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Issues rural population related News
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8 March 2023
Farmland and pastures across Central Asia are far less productive after decades of monocropping
9 September 2022
BUJUMBURA — The squeal of passing bikes fills the air in the center of a newly created wetland on the outskirts of Burundi’s main city and largest urban settlement on Lake Tanganyika, the resources of which the country shares with Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia. A step
12 February 2022
Xi is promoting a new vision to tackle long-standing problems like the rural-urban divide, food security, and poverty. Photo Credit: Depositphotos
25 January 2022
Nitidae, l’Observatoire National du Foncier Burkina Faso (ONF-BF), Oxfam Burkina Faso and the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency (RVO) are excited to announce their partnership for a LAND-at-scale project in Burkina Faso. Starting this year, the project will run for three years
8 July 2021
CARATA, Peru, July 5 (Reuters) - Maxima Ccalla, 60, an indigenous Quechua woman, has spent her life tilling the harsh soil in Peru's Andean highlands, resigned to a fate far removed from the vast riches buried deep beneath her feet in seams of copper, zinc and gold. The Andean communities in Ccalla
5 July 2021
Gender inequality doesn't make sense on any level. By marginalising women, we deny ourselves the opportunity to lift millions of men, women and children out of poverty. Not to mention the chance of a just and fair world. From birth, girls, boys, women and men are expected by society to play certain
3 July 2021
Land grabs facilitated by multinational corporations, foreign investors and local governments in a pursuit for agribusiness have been escalating during the last decade. Huge acquisitions of farmland have led to violent displacements of rural populations. Although reports of the practice are not as
26 June 2021
Dar es Salaam. Land acquisition by investors is said to be one of the major causes of land disputes in Tanzania - especially when locals are not involved in the processes. Some leaders at the village level offer lands to prospective investors without getting approval from village authorities in
16 June 2021
The majority of Kenyans are perturbed by the high cost of seeking justice in the Environment and Land court, a new survey shows. The study by the Land Development and Governance Institute (LDGI) shows that nearly nine in ten Kenyans (86 percent) see the cost as high, effectively making it difficult
31 May 2021
Reports of a shortage of land for agriculture in some rural areas are surprising, to say the least. A few years ago it was reported that hundreds of youth in Arumeru District, Arusha Region, were relocating to Kenya because of a lack of farmland in the area. This state of affairs is surprising
21 April 2021
Fear of China fueled the activism, though frustrations had accumulated over stagnant living conditions in the provinces. Main photo: Hands off (David Trilling) Kazakhstan is on the cusp of imposing a permanent ban on the sale and lease of agricultural land to foreigners. It is a rare victory for
13 January 2021
This month, public sector, private sector and civil society organization partners jointly launched the Accessible Soils And Sustainable Environments (ASASE) project in Ghana. Over the coming four years, this groundbreaking initiative will be working towards an environmentally sustainable future for

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