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Issues land investments related News
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18 January 2018
European Union Ambassador condemns the killing of a member of the Sengwer community and underlines that both indigenous people's rights and Kenya's water towers need protection   Today, the European Union Ambassador to Kenya Stefano A. Dejak condemned the reported killing of a member of the
21 December 2017
Land acquisitions and land use restrictions can have adverse impacts on communities and individuals, including physical displacement; loss of land, income or livelihood; and/or involuntary resettlement. The World Bank addresses these negative impacts in its Draft Guidance Note for Borrowers on the
20 December 2017
The Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment is offering two to three grants of $10,000 each for innovative uses of Applications due January 31, 2018. 
31 October 2017
USAID LandLinks is working to support private sector partners to de-risk investments and secure legitimate land rights in order to improve livelihoods and other outcomes for communities affected by investments. Join us, along with Agrilinks, Microlinks, and a panel of experts, for an interactive
19 September 2017
State governments are building land banks, using both private and common lands, to attract investment in manufacturing and infrastructure, but at the cost of people’s rights.
19 September 2017
State governments are rushing to build land banks, using both private and common lands, in an effort to attract investment in manufacturing and infrastructure.
29 August 2017
Baghpat Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Arun Kumar said department officials have been assigned to assist the district administration in the inquiry. Action will be decided on the basis of the report, he added.
24 August 2017
About 200 people from Kampot and Kandal provinces gathered yesterday at the Land Ministry asking for two separate disputes with development companies to be resolved. The protesters asked the ministry to take land from the companies for them to us because they were struggling to make a living.
22 August 2017
(Ecofin Agency) - In an open letter sent to the president of Madagascar on August 17, the Tany group exposed its concerns about land grabbing by foreign investors in the country. For the civil society group, whose objective “is to support the development of Malagasy farmers and citizens and defend
15 August 2017
  JOHANNESBURG - Habitat for Humanity’s Solid Ground Campaign in association with the Urban CSO Cluster of the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) of UN-HABITAT are hosting a conference in Pretoria, from August 15 to 17.
8 August 2017
Trans-Pacific View author Mercy Kuo regularly engages subject-matter experts, policy practitioners, and strategic thinkers across the globe for their diverse insights into U.S. Asia policy. This conversation with Dr. Spencer Cohen – Senior Economist at Community Attributes, a Seattle-based research
3 August 2017
Land Portal Foundation launches country portfolio in effort to showcase local voices    Land has played a critical role in Tanzania’s development as a nation. Current land tenure frameworks, issues and conflicts in the country have historical roots dating back to the pre-colonial period.

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