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Community Organizations CDC Investment works
CDC Investment works
CDC Investment works
Private sector


United Kingdom
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Our mission is to support the building of businesses throughout Africa and South Asia, to create jobs, and to make a lasting difference to people’s lives in some of the world’s poorest places.

We invest in Africa and South Asia because over 80 percent of the world’s poorest people live in these regions. We focus on investing in countries where the private sector is weak, jobs are scarce, and the investment climate is difficult, but particularly in sectors where growth leads to jobs. These sectors are financial services, infrastructure, health, manufacturing, food and agriculture, construction and real estate, and education.



Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Human Rights

Training Resources & Tools
December, 2018

This guide provides fund managers with a practical introduction to human rights issues that may be relevant to their investments. It aims to provide

• a clear understanding of what human rights risks and impacts are, why they are important and how they relate to traditional environmental and social (E&S) risks and impacts, and

• a practical approach to integrating human rights lens into existing E&S due diligence approaches, aligned with international standards.

Investments in the Agricultural Value Chain: Expanding the Scope of Environment and Social Due Diligence - Improving Risk management, Creating Value and Achieving Broader Development Outcomes

Reports & Research
April, 2016

This report provides guidance for development finance institutions and investors seeking to understand and manage environmental and social issues responsibly at different stages of the value chain. It provides

• information on ways investors can expand the scope of due diligence to further improve E&S risk management and drive value through supply chains,

• initial and practical information about the links between upstream and downstream actors in the value chain, including primary producers and project-affected communities, and

A guidance note on managing legacy land issues in agribusiness investments

Manuals & Guidelines
December, 2015

This document provides guidance to agribusiness companies and investors that face legacy land issues and seek to manage them to manage social impacts for project-affected communities. It outlines tools to address these issues and safeguard the rights of local communities, and to promote community development and business opportunities for mutual benefits.