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IssueswomenLandLibrary Resource
There are 4, 089 content items of different types and languages related to women on the Land Portal.
Displaying 325 - 336 of 2158

Participación política de las mujeres y el rol de las ONG en los países de la Región Andina

Reports & Research
July, 2007

Responsable de la investigación: Laura Soria. El acceso de las mujeres a los derechos democráticos no sólo trae consigo la posibilidad de elección de sus representantes, sino que tiende a modificar, o por lo menos cuestionar, las bases mismas del sistema democrático. Es aquí donde creemos que resulta el principal aporte del movimiento feminista, cuestionando la supuesta neutralidad de la teoría política.

Construindo um diálogo: Feminismo e Agroecologia

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2005

En el medio rural brasileño, las relaciones sociales, históricamente complejas, todavía esperan cambios fundamentales en la garantía de la democracia, la ciudadanía y la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente. Esta entrevista gira en torno al tema de la necesidad de cambiar las relaciones entre hombres y mujeres en el campo. No hay respuestas definitivas todavía, pero hay debate intenso que se extiende por todo el país.

Género en el desarrollo rural sostenible, una respuesta a un nuevo paradigma

Reports & Research
February, 2001
Latin America and the Caribbean

El modelo de desarrollo actual, basado en una economía libre, eficiente, competitiva y redistributiva y que ha realizado cambios relevantes en el saneamiento de las finanzas públicas, la estabilización macroeconómica y la modernización del aparato productivo, no ha dado los resultados esperados en cuanto al crecimiento de las economías de la región, que aún se encuentran muy por debajo de las expectativas del modelo.

Property Rights and Productivity: The Case of Joint Land Titling in Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015

This paper explores the effect of land titling on agricultural productivity in Vietnam and the productivity effects of single versus joint titling for husband and wife. Using a plot-fixed-effects approach our results show that obtaining a land title is associated with higher yields, for both individually and jointly held titles. We conclude that there is no trade-off between joint titling and productivity, and so joint titles are potentially an effective way to improve women’s bargaining power within the household with no associated efficiency losses.

Strategies to Get Gender Onto the Agenda of the “Land Grab” Debate

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

The International Land Coalition (ILC)’s Commercial Pressures on Land initiative aims to support the efforts of ILC members and other stakeholders to influence global, regional, and national processes to enable secure and equitable access to land for poor women and men in the face of increasing commercial demand. Its global research contains a careful and focused analysis of the gendered impacts of commercial pressures on land (CPL), and especially the impacts on women.

From Risk and Conflict to Peace and Prosperity

Reports & Research
January, 2017
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Amid the realities of major political turbulence, there was growing recognition in 2016 that the land rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities are key to ensuring peace and prosperity, economic development, sound investment, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Despite equivocation by governments, a critical mass of influential investors and companies now recognize the market rationale for respecting community land rights.

Transforming the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil for greater gender equality and women’s empowerment

Policy Papers & Briefs
April, 2016

Gender issues are relegated to the periphery in current debates and approaches concerning the sustainable governance of oil palm in Indonesia. However, ongoing research by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) points to the critical roles that women play as workers, smallholders and members of affected local communities. Gender inequities follow as oil palm expansion displaces local women from land on which they cultivate food crops.

The Political Economy of Land Governance in Lao PDR

Conference Papers & Reports
October, 2015

This country level analysis addresses land governance in Laos in two ways. First, it summarises what the existing body of knowledge tells us about power and configurations that shape access to and exclusion from land, particularly among smallholders, the rural poor, ethnic minorities and women. Second, it draws upon existing literature and expert assessment to provide a preliminary analysis of the openings for and obstacles to land governance reform afforded by the political economic structures and dynamics in the country.

L'or des femmes

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2010
Eastern Africa

L'arbre de karité pousse à l'état sauvage dans de vastes parties de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Cet arbre aux exigences modestes se contente de peu d'eau et protège le sol contre l'érosion. Depuis toujours les femmes utilisent les amandes oléagineuses pour fabriquer de l'huile et du beurre utilisés pour la cuisson et à des fins cosmétiques. Elles vendent également les produits tirés de la noix de karité sur les marchés locaux.

Building Evidence on Rural Women Struggles for Land Rights in Tanzania

Conference Papers & Reports
February, 2017

Land is one of the terrains of struggle for most rural women in Africa because of its importance in sustaining rural livelihoods, and social-cultural and geopolitical factors that hinder women from enjoying land rights. Even when there are progressive land laws, as it is for Tanzania, women have not really enjoyed their rights. However, this has not stopped women to keep fighting for their land rights.  They have sought their own approaches by leveraging opportunities within traditional, religious, and formal systems standing for their rights.