Law No. 6/2017 on Basic Law of Land Use Planning.
This Law, consisting of 34 articles divided into four Chapters, approves the Basic Legislation of Land Use Planning.
This Law, consisting of 34 articles divided into four Chapters, approves the Basic Legislation of Land Use Planning.
La presente Resolución modifica la que integra el Comité de Conciliación del Ministerio de Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio, respecto a sus miembros permanentes y a quienes invite con carácter obligatorio, por ser funcionarios de la entidad que por su condición jerárquica, funcional o conocimiento técnico deban asistir con ocasión de los casos que se sometan a consideración del Comité.
Enmienda: Resolución Nº 165 - Integra el Comité de Conciliación del Ministerio de Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio. (2014-03-27)
La presente Resolución declara de utilidad pública la creación y desarrollo del Proyecto Techo Propio, el cual estará bajo el ámbito del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (MVCS), y que tendrá los siguientes objetivos: 1) Promover, facilitar y/o establecer los mecanismos adecuados y transparentes que permitan el acceso de los sectores populares a una vivienda digna, en concordancia con sus posibilidades económicas; 2) Estimular la efectiva participación del sector privado en la construcción masiva de viviendas de interés social prioritario; 3) Coordinar la asignación de recu
The Law prescribes the procedures for the completion of land reform in cities, as well as for adjustment of the rights of use of land and the property relationship and examination of disputes in issues related to land reform until the completion thereof. The norms of this Law are applicable if it has not been laid down otherwise in the Law on Completion of State and Local Government Property Privatisation and Utilisation of Privatisation Certificates.
Le présent décret fixe le cadre organique de l’Observatoire national des Villes.
Met en oeuvre: Décret n° 2016-0297-P-RM du 6 mai 2016 fixant l’organisation et les modalités de fonctionnement de l’Observatoire national des Villes. (2016-06-05)
Le présent décret fixe l’organisation et les modalités de fonctionnement de l’Observatoire national des Villes (ONAV).
This Decree, consisting of 24 articles divided into four Chapters, promulgates the Regulation on land border areas of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and provides the management of activities of people and vehicles in these areas; responsibilities of agencies, organizations and individuals for the construction, management and protection of land border areas of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. 2. In case the provisions of this Regulation are different from those of treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party, the provisions of such treaties prevail.
La presente Ley establece medidas complementarias para la promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal y otorga nuevas facultades al Organismo de Formalización de la Propiedad Informal (COFOPRI), con la finalidad de permitir que la población de menores recursos económicos acceda a la formalización de sus predios, mediante mecanismos técnicos y legales de carácter simplificado y en menores plazos.El COFOPRI, a pedido de las municipalidades, diseña, implementa, gestiona y ejecuta de forma directa, las actividades catastrales de levantamiento y/o actualización catastral urbana dentro de la juris
The Regulations aim to strength the supervision of planning, land and real estates of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (hereinafter referred to as the “Special Zone”) , safeguard enforcement of the laws and regulations.
This working paper by Tikvah Breimer previously of the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) and Mark Napier previously of Urban LandMark, analyses the provision of core housing in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, specifically taking into account the residents' response to the state's delivery of core housing. It aims to explore to what extent the South African government's approach to providing large-scale housing addresses the relevant demands in the context of rapid urbanisation.
This case study draws on research that investigated the extensive informal land market in Luanda, Angola. It examines how urban land is transacted and the mechanisms by which it is secured and regulated. The case study is based on research undertaken by
This is the first report to be issued by the SACN on the ‘State of South African Cities’. The report takes a hard look at the forces that have transformed the country’s largest cities over the decade since 1994 and asks, if the current trends continue, whether cities can expect positive or negative things in the years to come. As part of the process of celebrating 10 years of democracy, the Office of the President has led a ‘Ten Year Review’ to assess what has been achieved over the last decade, and to define the strategic challenges for the future.