Conferencias y Talleres Virtuales
A medida que el coronavirus se extiende por todo el mundo, los grandes eventos que discuten la tierra han sido cancelados y muchos aún son inciertos en los próximos meses. El Land Portal tiene años de experiencia en la organización de vivencias en línea altamente eficaces que atraen a partes interesadas en la gobernanza de la tierra. Nuestro objetivo es continuar brindando apoyo a nuestros usuarios(as), que recurren al Land Portal para mantenerse conectados a través de medios en línea en tiempos sin precedentes.
Regional webinars on integrating land tenure into restoration initiatives
These webinars aim to raise awareness on the value of tenure security and its contribution to biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management, ecosystem restoration, and climate change mitigation and adaptation while improving food security and local livelihoods.
Introducing the State of Land Information Index
This side event will serve to introduce the Land Portal’s State of Land Information Index (SOLIndex), which measures openness of land data at the country and global level. The aim of this index is to make land-related findings more actionable and to complement existing land governance monitoring systems, such as tools developed by GLTN. The SOLIndex provides an overall indicator that assesses the openness of land data and information at global and country levels. The SOLIndex can be used as a diagnostic and advocacy tool for making land data more open and inclusive in support of good land governance.
This side event will explore the range of indicators that constitute the index, explore strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the collection of these indicators in an effort to obtain and incorporate feedback from GLTN Partners into the process of validating the indicator.
Through the Land Data Lens – What are we seeing/Not seeing?
The objectives of this session are to highlight national, regional and global progress and accomplishments in outcome 3 of phase 3 of the GLTN program, to gather feedback from GLTN partners and receive proposals on the monitoring focus in phase 4, and to identify potential collaborative opportunities with GLTN partners to upscale monitoring of the land agenda.
Liberando el potencial de las DVGT mediante la neutralidad en la degradación de las tierras
This event will launch the technical guide on integrating the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forest in the context of National Food Security (VGGT) into land degradation neutrality (LDN) in all 6 UN languages, produced jointly by UNCCD and FAO.
Unlocking the potential of the VGGT through Land Degradation Neutrality
This event will launch the technical guide on integrating the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forest in the context of National Food Security (VGGT) into land degradation neutrality (LDN) in all 6 UN languages, produced jointly by UNCCD and FAO.
Conmemorando el 10º aniversario de las DVGT del CSA - Monitoreo, Evidencias y Datos
Los monitoreos sobre la tierra son herramientas cruciales para mejorar la gobernanza, la propiedad y la gestión de la tierra en todo el mundo.
Conmemorando el 10º aniversario de las DVGT del CSA - Monitoreo, Evidencias y Datos
Los monitoreos sobre la tierra son herramientas cruciales para mejorar la gobernanza, la propiedad y la gestión de la tierra en todo el mundo.
Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the CFS VGGT- Monitoring, Evidence and Data
Land monitoring systems are crucial tools for improving the governance, ownership and management of land around the world.
Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the CFS VGGT- Reflection on 10 years of VGGT Application
Open discussion between partners and the audience on the impact of the VGGT 10 years later: what have we learned, what can we do better, where are the evident needs, gaps, and unmet expectations.
Land governance and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Building Back Better with Improved Land Information Systems
This side event will present the latest information available on land-related SDG indicators that are showcased on the SDGs Land Tracker. The event will emphasize how Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) can play a key role in accelerating achievement of the SDGs and Building Back Better in light of the COVID-10 pandemic. The event will include experts, government representatives and SDG custodians in a dynamic panel discussion of these issues.
Wednesday, 2 February, 2022 8:00-8:50 AM ET | 2:00-2:50 PM CET
Land Portal at CLPA: The Decolonization of Customary Law and Institutions
Wednesday, 3rd November 2021
3:25 – 4:25 pm - Central Europe Time
4:25 - 5:25 pm in Zimbabwe and South Africa
5:25 - 6:25 pm - East African Time
No Land Rights - No SDGs
Secure land tenure is a tool of empowerment. It leads to productive land investments, increased autonomy to make decisions over land by women, men and communities contributing to higher incomes. The co-relationship between secure land tenure and increased food production is central to tackle hunger. Women with secure land hold independence to make decisions and ability to influence conditions of their families. With the security of land people are motivated to participate in climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.
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