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Countries China related Blog post


Displaying 1 - 12 of 18
29 June 2023
Foto: Matt Briney/Unsplash Por Oiwam Lam. Traduzido por: Doralice Silva  Após as inundações que arruinaram as partes central e sul da China em 1998, Pequim lançou o “programa Grain for Green” (ou “programa de conversão de terras agrícolas em florestas”) para resolver o problema da erosão do solo…
13 May 2022
Daniel Hayward
  Maize is a key global cash crop, produced in every continent except Antarctica. As a flex crop, it has multiple uses including for direct human consumption, as an ingredient for animal feed, as a key component in processed foods, or in ethanol production. According to figures from FAOSTAT,…
13 May 2022
Daniel Hayward
El maíz es un cultivo comercial clave a nivel mundial, que se produce en todos los continentes excepto en la Antártida. Como cultivo flexible, tiene múltiples usos, entre ellos el consumo humano directo, como ingrediente para la alimentación animal, como componente clave en los alimentos procesados…
13 May 2022
Daniel Hayward
  Le maïs est une culture commerciale mondiale essentielle, produite sur tous les continents sauf l'Antarctique. En tant que culture flexible, il a de multiples usages, notamment pour la consommation humaine directe, comme ingrédient pour l'alimentation animale, comme composant clé des aliments…
13 May 2022
Daniel Hayward
O milho é uma cultura global fundamental, produzida em todos os continentes, exceto na Antártica. Como uma cultura flexível, tem múltiplos usos, inclusive para consumo humano direto, como ingrediente para ração animal, como componente chave em alimentos processados ou na produção de etanol. De…
4 November 2021
In Mongolia, the word “rangeland” is synonymous with “homeland.” It is a clue to the importance of rangelands in a country where a quarter of Mongolians are herders, and the wider livestock economy provides sustenance, income, and wealth to nearly half of the population. For many nomadic societies…
31 May 2021
Vitor Bukvar Fernandes
Blog originalmente publicado no IGTNews No. 30   Ao mesmo tempo em que se comemora a pujança do agronegócio, nos últimos 20 anos a economia brasileira tem se desindustrializado progressivamente [1] e caiu da 24ª para a 49ª posição no índice de complexidade econômica (ECI) [2]. Esta tendência…
21 May 2021
Rob Cole
The impacts of agribusiness and plantation investments on the forests of the Mekong region have been widely documented. Taken together, much of this evidence paints a picture of global economic forces bearing down on fragile ecosystems and ethnically diverse communities of smallholder farmers. What…
17 May 2021
Article written by Hal Brands and originally published by Bloomberg at: (Photo: Buddha at the border. Photographer: Arun Sankar/AFP/Getty Images)   The Pax Americana made outright invasions too…
7 May 2021
Blog written by Robert Barnett and originally posted by Foreign Policy at:   Since 2015, a previously unnoticed network of roads, buildings, and military outposts has been constructed deep in a sacred valley in…
15 December 2020
We need to understand the consequences of technology, migration, climate shifts, infrastructure and a growing middle class on forest-dependent people The fifth anniversary of the signing of the Paris Agreement offers a moment to reflect on progress towards global climate goals. When it comes to…
2 December 2020
Marcello Demaria, Amayaa Wijesinghe
The global soybean trade was worth about 9.5 billion of US dollars in 2000. By the end of this year – in 2020 – it is projected to exceed 60 billion[1]. This is just one of the many figures that explains why the last two decades might be remembered as the Great Soybean Expansion, the period when…