Community / Land projects / Ruwanmu Small-Scale Irrigation Project (RUWANMU)
Ruwanmu Small-Scale Irrigation Project (RUWANMU)
02/13 - 03/18
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Implementing Organisations
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The goal of this project is to raise the incomes and improve the food security of 65,000 poor rural households in 30 communes within the Maradi, Tahoua and Zinder regions of Niger. The project stipulates that at least 30% of direct beneficiaries should be women and 30% young people involved in production or a related area, such as handicrafts, processing or marketing. The project reinforced 1800 ha of irrigated areas, the development of irrigation systems for an additional 5000 ha of land, and the rehabilitation of 3300 ha of watershed areas. To manage the above mentioned areas in a sustainable way, the project supports land commissions involved in the process of securing land plots and the establishment of 30 WUAs. Special attention is being given to women's and youth's equitable access to the developed resources.