Latest News
09 March 2023
Indonesia's mangrove restoration plan faces a major hurdle, with less than a third of the target area is actually viable for restoration.
Central Asia’s poorest farmers know the value of their land
08 March 2023
Farmland and pastures across Central Asia are far less productive after decades of monocropping
The forgotten Gypsies of Afghanistan demand legal recognition of their rights
06 October 2022
The 'Jogi', the Gypsies of Afghanistan, have launched a struggle with the State to access identification papers and defend their rights. Marginalised and plunged into poverty, they want to integrate into Afghan society.
In the northwestern suburbs of Mazar-e-Sharif, on the border with the rural world, small shacks made with beige bricks are developing one after the other.
There are 2, 188 content items of different types and languages related to poverty on the Land Portal.
The situation in which an individual is not able to afford an adequate standard of living, i.e. not able to buy clothing, food or shelter. The level may vary from country to country.