land grabbing
Latest News
29 June 2024
The Struggles for Land Podcast gives a voice to those fighting for access to land and defending the commons.
Focusing on one major theme per episode, the podcast interviews and brings together farmers' organizations, social movements, environmental protection and the defense of the commons, as well as researchers and consumer associations. These exchanges between actors from the four corners of the globe enable us to better understand the local and international stakes, the successes and the difficulties of these mobilizations, which all have in common that they are working towards a society based on peasant and feminist agriculture in harmony with ecosystems.
You can listen to all the episodes on this page and on the various platforms:
International Statement: World Bank Out of Land!
13 May 2024
On the opening day of the World Bank’s 2024 Land Conference, organizations of small-scale food producers, Indigenous Peoples, workers, grassroots communities, and civil society denounce the World Bank as a major actor of land grabbing and ecosystem destruction. They call for effective measures to realize the right to land and territories, including agrarian reform.
INDONESIA: Rumah Warga di kawasan Simogunung Surabaya bukan Rumah Dinas TNI Aangkatan Udara
08 November 2023
TNI Angkat Udara (TNI AU) dalam hal ini Pangkalan Udara Muljono telah melakukan klaim sepihak terhadap ratusan rumah rumah di kawasan Simogunung sebagai Rumah Dinas milik TNI AU, klaim ini ditolak para warga yang selama ini telah puluhan tahun menempati rumah tersebut.
There are 1, 848 content items of different types and languages related to land grabbing on the Land Portal.
Large-scale acquisition of farmland (over 1,000 ha) whether by purchase , leases or other means.