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Head of Research at Earthsight, a non-profit organisation whose mission is to promote the use of in-depth investigations to expose environmental and social crime, injustice and the links to global consumption. Operating mostly 'behind the scenes', Earthsight collects the evidence used by NGOs and governments to drive positive change.
United Kingdom
Displaying 1 - 1 of 1Blog post
Land grabs and the International Criminal Court: will Cambodia’s kleptocrats finally face justice?
On 15th September the International Criminal Court broadened its process for selecting and prioritising cases to include land grabbing and environmental destruction. The decision presents an opportunity to curb the deforestation and rights abuses driven by illegally-issued agricultural concessions in Cambodia, likely to be the court’s first credible case. It also has important implications for other countries suffering from the worst excesses of illegal deforestation. Neil Loughlin and Tom Johnson report.