customary tenure
Latest News
08 May 2024
For over two decades, the World Bank Land Conference has been an important and necessary forum for the land sector, bringing together participants from governments, development partners, civil society, academia, and the private sector to showcase research, discuss issues and good practice, and inform policy dialogue. The Conference encourages cross-sectoral knowledge exchange and this year, the Land Portal team is eager to attend the relaunched Land Conference from May 13-17, 2024 in Washington, DC.
Call for nominations to the Equator Prize 2024 Nominate now!
25 January 2024
This year’s Equator Prize will recognize innovative initiatives that showcase how action on nature, led by Indigenous Peoples and local communities, can provide effective climate solutions, and demonstrate effective pathways to transform our global systems for people and Planet. Winning initiatives will be honored for their successes in protecting, restoring, and/or sustainably managing nature for nature-positive development outcomes.
“Justice for all in the management of land conflicts ”: Introducing a new LAND-at-scale project in Burundi
26 October 2023
The Land and Development Expertise Center (LADEC) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) are excited to announce their partnership for a new LAND-at-scale project in Burundi: "Justice pour Toutes et Tous dans la Gestion des Conflits Fonciers" (JTT-GCF) (in English: Justice for all in the management of land conflicts. Starting September 2023, the project will run for a period of three years, focusing on promotion equality and non-discrimination in the management of land conflicts.
There are 834 content items of different types and languages related to customary tenure on the Land Portal.