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Issues governança da terra related Blog post
There are 8, 136 content items of different types and languages related to governança da terra on the Land Portal.
Displaying 169 - 180 of 212

"Land Governance Lost in Translation" - Introducing LandVoc, the Linked Land Governance Thesaurus

19 Julho 2019
Lisette Mey
Gouvernance foncière. Utaala wa ardhi. Quản trị đất. Arazi yönetişimi. မြေယာအုပ်ချုပ်မှု. Governança da terra. ธรรมมาภิบาลที่ดิน. Governo della terra. អភិបាលកិច្ចដីធ្លី. Správa pozemků. 土地治理. Gobernanza de la tierra. These are just a handful of translations to describe one and the same concept: land governance.




MST conquista mais uma vitória no TJMG rumo à conquista definitiva do latifúndio da ex-usina Ariadnópolis, em Campo do Meio, sul de MG

15 Julho 2019
Gilvander Moreira
MST conquista mais uma vitória no TJMG rumo à conquista definitiva do latifúndio da ex-usina Ariadnópolis, em Campo do Meio, sul de MG, dia 11/7/2019 – Vídeo 1.
*Filmagem e edição de frei Gilvander Moreira, da CPT-MG, das CEBs e do CEBI.

Women leaders protecting their land for the next generation

03 Maio 2019

By Chris Hufstader


After an audacious land grab by a foreign company, indigenous women in a remote Cambodian village struggle to regain their farms and sacred sites.

Sol Preng remembers vividly the day in 2012 when bulldozers unexpectedly arrived on her family farm.

“The company came and cleared away our cashew trees right before the harvest,” she says. “I lost four hectares of land and all my cashew trees.”

São Paulo ganha o Parque Augusta, finalmente! E a luta continua!

10 Agosto 2018

O acordo hoje firmado entre Ministério Público, a Prefeitura e as construtoras Cyrela e Setin para tornar o Parque Augusta um bem público oficializa uma solução que há anos vem sendo apontada por urbanistas e ativistas como viável, justa e digna: as empresas doam o terreno para a Prefeitura em troca da transferência do potencial construtivo da área, considerando o atual zoneamento do local, hoje restrito por se tratar de uma Zona Especial de Proteção Ambiental (ZEPAM).

Progress in Land Indicators

30 Julho 2018

This July is the first time the United Nations will review the progress made towards meeting Sustainable Development Goal 15, which is about Life on Land. Each goal will be reviewed about every 4 years until 2030.


The reviews will be based on the 10 indicators countries agreed on, that assess change in each country over time. Two important developments relating to the indicator on land degradation neutrality (15.3.1) have occurred, since its adoption in 2015.


Formally Recognizing Pastoral Community Land Rights in Ethiopia

17 Abril 2018
Solomon Bekure Woldegiorgis

For hundreds of years, pastoralists in Ethiopia’s lowlands have relied on strong customary land tenure systems to survive. Historically, legislation has failed to clearly define communal rights to rangelands, and the specific roles and responsibilities for both communities and local government to administer and manage these resources. This legislative deficiency prevented pastoral communities from fully exercising their constitutional rights to land (Ethiopia’s Constitution broadly recognizes pastoral communities’ right to access land and prevents their involuntary displacement).