Pronunciamento Online de Líderes do Povo Mayagna da Nicarágua sobre assassinatos e usurpação territorial
1°Seminário sobre Mineração em Terras Indígenas
No dia 26 de Março, acontece na Câmara dos Deputados Federal o 1° Seminário Nacional sobre Mineração em Terra Indígena - Pela Autodeterminação dos Povos e Territórios Livres de Mineração.
Transmissão ao vivo do Caso 13.615 que discute usurpação de terras indígenas e afrodescendentes na Nicarágua
I Simpósio Internacional Geografia, Território e Paisagem e III Encontro Regional em Comemoração ao Dia do Geógrafo
Palavras alagadas e o direito à fala e à escuta: uma reflexão sobre os impactos da Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu, o acesso à justiça e o racismo contra os Avá-Guarani no Oeste do Paraná
1º Seminário de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Territorial
Committee on World Food Security (CFS 46)
CFS 46 is from 14 – 18 October 2019 at FAO, Rome, Italy and will be the first major global meeting on food security and nutrition after the High Level Political Forum SDG Summit in New York in September 2019. The SDGs will be the theme of the week with a particular focus on ways to accelerate SDG 2 – zero hunger.
Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2019
In 2019 the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) will focus the world’s attention on the fundamental importance of rights to address the current environmental crisis. Linking people to landscapes, the GLF will explore the essential contributions of indigenous peoples, local communities, and rural and indigenous women and youth in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement targets on climate change, highlighting the transformative role of rights and rights-based approaches in securing a more just, sustainable and prosperous future for all. Woven across the year’s events, these priorities will form the centerpiece of the annual conference in Bonn, Germany – to be held on June 22–23 alongside the intersessional climate talks – making it the world’s single largest forum on rights and sustainable landscapes.
Documentary screening on a mining conflict in KwaZulu-Natal: This land
The Land & Accountability Research Centre (LARC) at the University of Cape Town commissioned the vivid documentary film This Land as a way for rural people to bring the untold story of their struggle for rights and accountability on communal land into urban forums of legislative, political and corporate decision-making.
LANDac Annual International Conference 2019
How to support transformations that work for people and nature?
Global Conference on Family Farming: A decade to improve the lives of family farmers
The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 on 20 December 2017 in order to improve the position of family farmers in all five (5) continents.