Sida is a government agency working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government, with the mission to reduce poverty in the world. Through our work and in cooperation with others, we contribute to implementing Sweden’s Policy for Global Development (PGU).
We work in order to implement the Swedish development policy that will enable poor people to improve their lives. Another part of our mission is conducting reform cooperation with Eastern Europe, which is financed through a specific appropriation. The third part of our assignment is to distribute humanitarian aid to people in need of assistance.
We carry out enhanced development cooperation with a total of 33 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Our selection of cooperation countries are based on political decisions made by the Swedish government.
Sida’s mission is to allocate aid and other funding. Our operations are managed by the government’s guidelines, describing the goals for each year’s operations and the size of the development aid budget.
Our staff members and their expertise assist the government with the assessments and the information it needs, in order to decide and implement its development assistance policy. We participate in the advocacy work for Sweden’s prioritised issues within the international development cooperation field, and we are in constant dialogue with other countries and international organisations. Part of our assignment is also to report statistics and disseminate information about our operations.
Our work is financed by tax money and we administer approximately half of Sweden’s total development aid budget. The other part is channelled through the ministry for Foreign Affairs. All our work should be performed in a cost-effective way with a strong focus on results.
Sida has more than 700 employees, located in our three offices in Sweden as well as abroad in our cooperation countries.
Displaying 151 - 155 of 273Agroforestry for sustainable livelihoods, environmental resilience and climate change adaptation
Steep slopes of the upland areas of Montane Mainland Southeast Asia are rapidly exploited for agriculture leading to challenges of surface runoff, erosion and soil degradation in turn leading to low yields and profitability of agriculture. Agroforestry (AF) with contour farming techniques is suggested as a solution to reduce soil erosion and land degradation, while improving farm productivity, food and nutrition security and aid in climate change adaptation. This project will assess options for profitable, sustainable, diversified farming systems on sloping land through integration of fruit trees, annual crops and perennial fodder crops. Specific objectives are to evaluate AF-contour farming systems´ potential (1) to buffer extreme weather events and contribute to climate change adaptation and resilience, (2) for soil conservation, system productivity and profitability, and identify success factors, (3) redesign mature AF systems to optimise productivity and profitability, and (4) to sustainably enhance smallholder livelihoods and factors affecting adoption. The proposed project will utilize existing on-farm field trials and demonstrations, and base-line data from an on-going project (Agroforestry for Livelihoods of Smallholder Farmers in Northwest Vietnam 2012-2021) and thus be able to carry out complementary and more in-depth research on mature AF systems. It will also include participatory data collection and AF system evaluation with farmers and extension officers.
ODI 2021-2025 Budget Strengthening Initiative - ODI Budget Strengthening Initiative
Since the political chaos that followed the coups in 2012 and 2020, Mali has done much to modernize its institutions so that they become more efficient, transparent and inclusive both in terms of governance and the community service they offer. As part of this work, Mali has implemented the second generation institutional development program (PDI 2017-2027) and the third generation reform in the management of public finances (PREM 20172021). The latter constitutes the strategic framework for the proposed BSI support. Through its advisory experience, BSI is a natural choice of partner to help the Malian government develop important government financial governance reforms that are necessary to strengthen its government institutions. Through ODI, Sida has supported an initial effort and a bridging effort to help Mali develop its budget processes in 2019-2020. The project has reviewed priorities in terms of reforms and the need for technical support to the Malian government through small-scale support in the areas of government finances and financial management. In collaboration with Mali, ODI has developed a four-year initiative in which support is proposed in the following areas: 1. Budget transparency 1.1 Budget analysis and tools for budget transparency 2. Implementation of program budgeting 2.1 Strengthened governance dialogue within two sector ministries 2.2. Thematic budget analysis and reporting, including gender budgeting 2.3 Implementation of the Budget Engagement Plan 3. Accounting reforms and support to the Treasury 3.1 Cash handling 3.2 Accrued accounting 4. Fiscal decentralization and financial governance at the local level 4.1 New financing regimes for CTs 5. Mobilization of revenue to the Treasury 5.1 International taxation 5.2 Analysis of tax effects As a cross-cutting theme for these five areas of support, the BSI program will support the Malian government's efforts to digitize and use information technology to modernize public administration. During the initial phases of the effort, BSI has focused on engaging key government institutions given their interest in cooperating and their demand for long-term support from BSI. These institutions are: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance (MEF-Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances) and the following institutions * Unit for Support for Government Financial Reforms (CARFIP-Cellule d'Appui à la Réforme des Finances Publiques) * Agency for Budget (DGB-Direction Générale du Budget) * The Tax Authority (DNTCP - National Directorate of Treasury and Public Accounting) * The Tax Agency (DGI- Direction Générale des Impôts) * Unit for support for decentralization (CADD / MEE - Cellule d'appui à la decentralization et à la déconcentration) Ministry of Energy and Water (MEE- Ministry of Energy and Water) and the following institutions * Directorate of Finance and Materiel (DFM - Direction des Finances et du Matériel) * Program managers (RPROG) and their respective support units * Decentralization Support Unit (CADD / MA) The Ministry of Agriculture and the following subordinate institutions * Directorate of Finance and Materiel (DFM - Direction des Finances et du Matériel) * Program managers (RPROG) and their respective support units * Decentralization Support Unit (CADD / MA) Ministry of Decentralization and Land Administration (MDAT- Ministry of Decentralization and Territorial Administration) * The Authority for Territorial Societies (DGCT - Direction Générale des collectivités territoriales) The embassy believes that a long-term approach in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Finance as well as selected institutions is appropriate.
The overarching objective of the four-year project is to build capacities of the Malian government in strengthening budget comprehensiveness, establishing a credible state budget while striving for a fair, transparant and accountable distribution of public services to Malian citizens. 1.Support to budget transparency: Support area objective: The transparency of governmental action through the budget is strengthened allowing non-state actors to constructively engage with and hold the government accountable. 1.1 Workstream objective: The Direction Générale du Budget (DGB) is able to effectively communicate information on public finances to citizens increasing their awareness on budget and spending decisions. 2. Support to the implementation of programme budgeting: Support area objective: The efficiency of public spending in a resource-scarce environment is improved, optimising expenditure in line with national priorities. 2.1 Workstream objective: The two sector ministries (Ministère de l´Agriculture and Ministère de l´Energie et de l´Eau) apply a greater result and performance orientation in the implementation of their mandate achieving a more efficient and effective delivery of services to the population. 2.2 Workstream objective: The Government of Mali analyses the impact of its budget decisions on important cross-cutting issues, e.g. gender, enabling it to take appropriate policy measures to improve them. 2.3 Workstream objective: Government spending forecasts and comprehensiveness within and across service sectors is improved strengthening budget execution. 3.Support to treasury and accounting reforms: Support area objective: The Malian State has a more comprehensive and accurate view of its fiscal and financial position, strengthening good financial governance. 3.1 Workstream objective: The use of available resources is improved, and timely payments of public commitments are strengthened, safeguarding public investment budgets and reinforcing the efficiency of public spending in the budget execution process. 3.2 Workstream objective: The Direction Nationale du Trésor et de la Comptabilité Publique (DNTCP) produces new and improved financial statements, providing a better understanding of the financial position and improving forecasting capacity. 4. Support to fiscal decentralisation and local public financial management: Support area objective: The public financial management (PFM) capacities, competences and resources available to Collectivités territoriales (CTs) are reinforced strengthening their ability to deliver services. 4.1 Workstream objective: The capacity of Collectivités territoriales (CTs) to manage their public finances in an effective and accountable manner is strengthened. 5. Support to domestic revenue mobilisation: Support area objective: The Government of Malis domestic revenue mobilisation is strengthened, gradually raising its tax-to-GDP ratio. 5.1 Workstream objective: The ability of the Direction Générale des Impôts (DGI) to effectively tax and audit multinational companies is reinforced, increasing domestic revenue from this taxpayer segment. 5.2 Workstream objective: The capacity of the Malian Government to conduct tax impact analysis is strengthened, informing sustainable policies for mobilising domestic revenue. Support the digitalization of public financial management processes: Cross-cutting objective: Public financial management processes relating to the support areas are automated using appropriate information technologies, strengthening the efficiency and accountability of public service delivery.
ODI 2021-2025 Budget Strengthening Initiative
Since the political chaos that followed the coups in 2012 and 2020, Mali has done much to modernize its institutions so that they become more efficient, transparent and inclusive both in terms of governance and the community service they offer. As part of this work, Mali has implemented the second generation institutional development program (PDI 2017-2027) and the third generation reform in the management of public finances (PREM 20172021). The latter constitutes the strategic framework for the proposed BSI support. Through its advisory experience, BSI is a natural choice of partner to help the Malian government develop important government financial governance reforms that are necessary to strengthen its government institutions. Through ODI, Sida has supported an initial effort and a bridging effort to help Mali develop its budget processes in 2019-2020. The project has reviewed priorities in terms of reforms and the need for technical support to the Malian government through small-scale support in the areas of government finances and financial management. In collaboration with Mali, ODI has developed a four-year initiative in which support is proposed in the following areas: 1. Budget transparency 1.1 Budget analysis and tools for budget transparency 2. Implementation of program budgeting 2.1 Strengthened governance dialogue within two sector ministries 2.2. Thematic budget analysis and reporting, including gender budgeting 2.3 Implementation of the Budget Engagement Plan 3. Accounting reforms and support to the Treasury 3.1 Cash handling 3.2 Accrued accounting 4. Fiscal decentralization and financial governance at the local level 4.1 New financing regimes for CTs 5. Mobilization of revenue to the Treasury 5.1 International taxation 5.2 Analysis of tax effects As a cross-cutting theme for these five areas of support, the BSI program will support the Malian government's efforts to digitize and use information technology to modernize public administration. During the initial phases of the effort, BSI has focused on engaging key government institutions given their interest in cooperating and their demand for long-term support from BSI. These institutions are: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance (MEF-Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances) and the following institutions * Unit for Support for Government Financial Reforms (CARFIP-Cellule d'Appui à la Réforme des Finances Publiques) * Agency for Budget (DGB-Direction Générale du Budget) * The Tax Authority (DNTCP - National Directorate of Treasury and Public Accounting) * The Tax Agency (DGI- Direction Générale des Impôts) * Unit for support for decentralization (CADD / MEE - Cellule d'appui à la decentralization et à la déconcentration) Ministry of Energy and Water (MEE- Ministry of Energy and Water) and the following institutions * Directorate of Finance and Materiel (DFM - Direction des Finances et du Matériel) * Program managers (RPROG) and their respective support units * Decentralization Support Unit (CADD / MA) The Ministry of Agriculture and the following subordinate institutions * Directorate of Finance and Materiel (DFM - Direction des Finances et du Matériel) * Program managers (RPROG) and their respective support units * Decentralization Support Unit (CADD / MA) Ministry of Decentralization and Land Administration (MDAT- Ministry of Decentralization and Territorial Administration) * The Authority for Territorial Societies (DGCT - Direction Générale des collectivités territoriales) The embassy believes that a long-term approach in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Finance as well as selected institutions is appropriate.
The overarching objective of the four-year project is to build capacities of the Malian government in strengthening budget comprehensiveness, establishing a credible state budget while striving for a fair, transparant and accountable distribution of public services to Malian citizens. 1.Support to budget transparency: Support area objective: The transparency of governmental action through the budget is strengthened allowing non-state actors to constructively engage with and hold the government accountable. 1.1 Workstream objective: The Direction Générale du Budget (DGB) is able to effectively communicate information on public finances to citizens increasing their awareness on budget and spending decisions. 2. Support to the implementation of programme budgeting: Support area objective: The efficiency of public spending in a resource-scarce environment is improved, optimising expenditure in line with national priorities. 2.1 Workstream objective: The two sector ministries (Ministère de l´Agriculture and Ministère de l´Energie et de l´Eau) apply a greater result and performance orientation in the implementation of their mandate achieving a more efficient and effective delivery of services to the population. 2.2 Workstream objective: The Government of Mali analyses the impact of its budget decisions on important cross-cutting issues, e.g. gender, enabling it to take appropriate policy measures to improve them. 2.3 Workstream objective: Government spending forecasts and comprehensiveness within and across service sectors is improved strengthening budget execution. 3.Support to treasury and accounting reforms: Support area objective: The Malian State has a more comprehensive and accurate view of its fiscal and financial position, strengthening good financial governance. 3.1 Workstream objective: The use of available resources is improved, and timely payments of public commitments are strengthened, safeguarding public investment budgets and reinforcing the efficiency of public spending in the budget execution process. 3.2 Workstream objective: The Direction Nationale du Trésor et de la Comptabilité Publique (DNTCP) produces new and improved financial statements, providing a better understanding of the financial position and improving forecasting capacity. 4. Support to fiscal decentralisation and local public financial management: Support area objective: The public financial management (PFM) capacities, competences and resources available to Collectivités territoriales (CTs) are reinforced strengthening their ability to deliver services. 4.1 Workstream objective: The capacity of Collectivités territoriales (CTs) to manage their public finances in an effective and accountable manner is strengthened. 5. Support to domestic revenue mobilisation: Support area objective: The Government of Malis domestic revenue mobilisation is strengthened, gradually raising its tax-to-GDP ratio. 5.1 Workstream objective: The ability of the Direction Générale des Impôts (DGI) to effectively tax and audit multinational companies is reinforced, increasing domestic revenue from this taxpayer segment. 5.2 Workstream objective: The capacity of the Malian Government to conduct tax impact analysis is strengthened, informing sustainable policies for mobilising domestic revenue. Support the digitalization of public financial management processes: Cross-cutting objective: Public financial management processes relating to the support areas are automated using appropriate information technologies, strengthening the efficiency and accountability of public service delivery.
FAO/ECOWAS, 2019-2023 Global Transformation of Forests for People and Climate
FAO has asked Sida for funding of 75,000,000 SEK to carry out the project named "Global transformation of Forests for People and Climate: A Focus on West Africa " during the period 2019 – 2023. The intervention builds on FAO’s existing support in the ECOWAS region and targets on three priority focus areas, namely Knowledge of the state of forest ecosystem dynamics; Forest and land related laws, policies and strategies at the sub-regional level; and Demonstration and dissemination of sustainable forest and land use practices. These focus areas were identified in the Convergence Plan endorsed by member states of ECOWAS. The expected overall results encompass all ECOWAS member countries while specific outputs and activities refer to a selection of countries that show similar ecological characteristics and challenges. ECOWAS is a key partner for implementation of the intervention together with forestry and environmental units in government agencies, NGOs and CSOs concerned with forests and land use, Indigenous peoples and local communities who reside in or near forested areas, and academia and research institutions. Based on the request from ECOWAS so as to formally report on the contribution of Sweden in the region, ECOWAS and Sweden will sign MoU in support of this project. Sida and FAO will sign a separate Contribution Agreement, under the existing FAO-SIDA Framework Agreement, signed in 2017. During the inception phase of the project, outstanding issues will be clarified and agreed upon between the partners.
The overall objective of the contribution is to strengthen decision-making on forests and land management, and to strengthen capacity at a sub-regional level through ECOWAS and other sub-regional partners to implement elements of the regionally agreed plan called the Convergence Plan. Achieving this objective will positively contribute to the livelihoods and climate change resilience thus contributes to the achievement of the SDGs and the Paris Agreement, identified as the broader impact. In addition, identifying lessons learned and best practice will contribute to a longer-term impact through sharing in other sub-regions and globally. This intervention builds on FAO’s existing support in the region and targets three priority focus areas of the Convergence Plan, around which all the project outputs are clustered (Knowledge of the state of forest ecosystem dynamics; Forest and land related laws, policies and strategies at the sub-regional level; and Demonstration and dissemination of sustainable forest and land use practices). The expected overall results encompass all ECOWAS member countries while specific outputs and activities refer to a selection of countries that show similar ecological characteristics and challenges.
Support to the International Security and Stabilisation Support Strategy DRC
Support to the Stabilization Coherence Fund (SCF) for implementation of the International Stabilization Strategy (ISSSS) in Eastern DRC. The fund, established in 2015, is administrated by the UNDP Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTF-O) in New York. The overall goal of the ISSSS is to strengthen the social partnerships between the state and the population in order to strengthen accountability and the management of violent conflict. This goal is furthermore divided into three results: achieving socioeconomic resilience against increased armed conflict; Improved security for women, girls, boys and men in the eastern provinces; and strengthen the legitimacy of the Congolese state and its institutions. The Stabilization Strategy is based on five pillars to deal with multisectoral and multi-dimensional challenges, as well as enabling conflict dynamics to be addressed in an integrated manner. 1) "Democratic dialogue" focuses on activities that help address the interaction of a number of conflict dynamics identified at the local level. Support is given to the population to develop the ability to analyze and transform conflicts peacefully, thus reducing the risk of mobilization by conflict actors. State actors are part of the recipients in order to transform the state-society relationship. 2) The "Security Component" deals with the interplay between the security actors and the mobilization around land and identity as a cause of conflict. Activities under this component focus on the local interplay between the military and the population. Activities support the promotion of behavioral change within the military and promote the "good behavior" of commanders and troops that will help to create internal mutual pressure to hold each other responsible. 3) The "restoration of state authority" (RSA) focuses on bridging the gap between state actors and communities and ensuring equitable delivery of services based on local needs. It also seeks to address fragmented governance structures and improve the legal framework. 4) The "Return, Reintegration and Economic Recovery" (RRR) component addresses the socio-economic causes of conflict in order to address the underlying causes of poverty, sociodemographic pressure, land access and fragmented Congolese identities. 5) Addressing "sexual violence" within the framework of ISSSS means focusing on root causes by transforming harmful gender norms. It is about discussing perceptions of masculinity and femininity in a local context and its impact on the conflict. Projects also look at how to strengthen the defense, security and justice system, and to increase the social, economic and political participation of women and girls. The trust fund is to date supported by DFID, the Netherlands, Norway and the Peacebuilding Fund.
Improved mutual accountability and capacity of the Congolese state and society to cope with and mitigate the main factors of violent conflict in the eastern provinces and to strengthen the legitimacy of the social contract and promote long-term economic development. The International Security and Stabilisation Support Strategy (ISSSS) has developed an innovative approach to programming based on conflict analysis, targeting one or more main conflict dynamics identified in the stabilization zones. This approach allows for programming that targets: the transformation of existing, open or latent, intra- or inter-community conflicts; the strengthening of the security of women, girls, boys, and men in their communities; the fight against the exploitation and illegal trafficking of natural resources; and analyzing and addressing regional conflict dynamics identified in the priority zones. Furthermore, the ISSSS acknowledges that conflict actors (women, youth, and men) are at the center of the transformation process of the main conflict dynamics identified. In order to address the main conflict dynamics, collaboration between the State, traditional authorities, and women, youth, and men is necessary. Finally, in order to successfully transform conflict and promote sustainable peace, we need to address structural and sociocultural barriers to women's and girls' participation in these processes.