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Community Organizations The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy
Non-profit organization


The Nature Conservancy is the leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people.

We address the most pressing conservation threats at the largest scale. Thanks to the support of our more than 1 million members, we’ve built a tremendous record of success since our founding in 1951:

  • We've protected more than 119 million acres of land and thousands of miles of rivers worldwide — and we operate more than 100 marine conservation projects globally.
  • We are impacting conservation in 69 countries — protecting habitats from grasslands to coral reefs, from Australia to Alaska to Zambia. See where we work.
  • We address threats to conservation involving climate change, fresh water, oceans, and conservation lands. Learn how we're responding.


Justin Adams


Displaying 6 - 9 of 9

International Development Support Project: Support for International Advisory Group (IAG) on 'Ecological Conse


The International Advisory Group on Ecological Conservation Redlines (IAG) mobilizes technical expertise from international organizations working with Chinese institutions to support interested countries in developing locally appropriate variants of spatial land-use planning frameworks, learning from China’s experiences with Ecological Conservation Redlines (ECRL) and similar approaches elsewhere. This involves both scientific mapping of locally appropriate dimensions for ECRL (e.g., biodiversity, ecosystem services (including carbon), disaster risk reduction) as well as the design of locally appropriate policy mechanisms, social safeguards, and institutions to prepare and implement ECRL.


The objective of this work is to support ambitious outcomes of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) COP15 and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change COP26, including the integration of nature and climate drawing on China’s experience with Ecological Conservation Red Lines.

Indigenous People Integrated Community Development Project


This project aims to empower the poorest and the most vulnerable indigenous communities in 18 villages of Mondulkiri and Ratanakiri province to pursue claiming their rights to control their land and manage their natural resources (forestry and fishery) which are primary for their livelihoods development. The target communities have been affected by land grabbing from private companies limiting their agriculture production and depleting their local natural resources. However, their understanding about legal framework and procedures to claim their rights and filing complaint remains very limited. In this project, the partner will be replicating people-led development approach in order to strengthen capacity of community committees to be able to take leadership to respond to emerging issues. The partner will be working closely with community committees to develop their understanding on legal framework, their roles and responsibilities, and government mechanisms that they can use to solve land disputes and issues of natural resources management. The communities will also be facilitated to complete legal procedures to register their land and their community forestry and fishery so that they will be protected by law. To respond to immediate needs of the poor, community people will also be supported to practice climate-friendly and diversified agriculture. Farmers will form themselves into groups and learn to collectively sell their products for better profits. The partner will help coordinate the farmer groups to develop capacity to run agriculture cooperative and legally register so that they can claim more support from the government ministry. It is expected that the indigenous communities will understand about their rights, and make more engagement with existing legal framework, procedures, and mechanisms that enable them to claim their rights to control and protect their land and natural resources. With clear community structure and legal recognition, the communities will be able to influence government and private sector to ensure that they comply with the laws and respect indigenous people rights. The community people will also be able to develop diversified and sustainable livelihoods through farming on their protected land, and benefiting from forestry and fishery resources.

Soil Fertility Stewardship Project (PAGRIS)


The Projet d’Appui pour une Gestion Responsable et Intégrée des Sols (PAGRIS) is a four-year project (March 2020 – February 2024) funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Burundi. PAGRIS seeks to achieve ecologically sustainable land management in Burundi and will work at three levels: plot, slope, and institutional. PAGRIS aims to reach 100,000 family farms and establish ecologically sustainable management on 14,000 ha of land by scaling the Integrated Farming Plan (PIP) approach from IFDC’s Agricultural Productivity Support Project in Burundi (PAPAB), which ran from 2015 to 2020.


At the plot level, PAGRIS will co-create (using local and scientific knowledge) and implement farm-based strategies for improved yield, incomes, and soil fertility. The targeted beneficiaries are farming households with all household members participating. At the slope level, PAGRIS aims to improve land management of slopes through collective community action, based on Participatory Learning and Action. All family farms on a slope will be supported to design a slope management plan to tackle soil erosion, reach stewardship agreements, and implement integrated practices that eventually benefit the whole community. At the institutional level, PAGRIS will contribute to a favorable institutional environment that improves the availability, access, and utilization of context-specific fertilizer products and techniques. It will do so by building capacity at agricultural knowledge institutes, identifying and assisting in cost-effective organo-mineral fertilizer blends, and supporting the national fertilizer subsidy program. PAGRIS is led by IFDC and implemented together with Wageningen Environmental Research (WEnR – formerly Alterra) and with Twitezimbere as a national partner.

RESTORE+: Addressing Landscape Restoration on Degraded Land in Indonesia and Brazil


The project supports sustainable land use planning in the degraded landscapes of partner countries. In Indonesia, it combines mapping campaigns (implemented by the local population) with land use and supply chain modelling. In this way, the project identifies areas that are suitable for restoration and sustainable use. It also analyses the effects on production, biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions and society. In Brazil, the project supports existing technologies for land monitoring & modelling and the implementation of the Bonn Challenge. It also contributed to the development of the ERPD (Emission Reductions Program Document), which was submitted to the FCPF for the South Cameroon REDD+ programme. The project strengthens the South-South cooperation of the countries in terms of modelling, policy making and the monitoring of land use and degradation. The tools support the certification and transparency of sustainably oriented supply chains.