Focal point
The Natural Resources Institute (NRI) of the University of Greenwich is a unique multi-disciplinary centre of excellence. We have an established reputation for delivering high quality research, advice, teaching and training in support of global food security, sustainable development and poverty reduction.
Displaying 1 - 5 of 19Options for Securing Tenure and Documenting Land Rightsin Mozambique: A Land Policy & Practice Paper
One of the key aspects of the Mozambican legal framework for land is that Mozambican nationals can acquire tenure rights through inheritance, via peaceful occupation or through customary channels These usufruct tenure rights, known by the Portuguese acronym ‘DUAT’ (Direito de Uso e Aproveitamento da Terra), can be held individually or jointly.
Reducing concession size, adjusting business plans and developing more inclusive business models
This paper is one of three thematic case studies resulting from a set of pilot projects undertaken jointly by civil society and private business partners from 2016–2019 in five countries in sub-Saharan Africa. These pilots sought to test how private companies could collaborate with civil society organisations and other stakeholders to implement responsible agribusiness investments that recognise and respect community land rights, and to develop innovative tools and approaches that could be adopted and implemented at greater scale.
Approaches to land rights documentation and mapping to protect local people’s land rights in agricultural investment contexts
This paper is one of three thematic case studies resulting from a set of pilot projects undertaken jointly by civil society and private business partners from 2016–2019 in five countries in sub-Saharan Africa. These pilots sought to test how private companies could collaborate with civil society organisations and other stakeholders to implement responsible agribusiness investments that recognise and respect community land rights, and to develop innovative tools and approaches that could be adopted and implemented at greater scale.
Opções para Garantir a Põsse e a Dõcumentaçaõ dõs Direitõs a Terra em Mõçambique
Este documento informativo é baseado nos resultados e lições aprendidas em projectos realizados recentemente em Moçambique, financiados pelo programa LEGEND do DFID, nas análises mais amplas conduzidas por esse programa, e no conhecimento e experiência prática dos autores. O documento é um resumo de um Documento mais longo sobre Política e Práticas de Norfolk, S., Quan, J. & D.
Opções para Garantir a Posse e a Documentação dos Direitos à Terra em Moçambique
Um dos principais aspectos do quadro legal moçambicano de terras é que os cidadãos Moçambicanos podem adquirir direitos de posse por herança, por ocupação pacífica ou por canais costumeiros. Estes usufruem de direitos de posse, conhecidos pelo acrônimo em língua portuguesa 'DUAT' (Direito de Uso e Aproveitamento da Terra), que podem ser possuídos individualmente ou em conjunto.