The International Land Coalition (ILC) is a coalition of civil society and intergovernmental organizations promoting secure and equitable access to and control over land for poor women and men through advocacy, dialogue and capacity building.
Displaying 71 - 75 of 262Gender and the commons: Pastoral women’s land rights and village land use planning in Tanzania: Experiences from the sustainable rangeland management project
In pastoral societies women face many challenges. Some describe these as a ‘double burden’ –
that is, as pastoralists and as women. However, pastoral women may obtain a significant degree
of protection from customary law even if customary institutions are male-dominated. In periods
of change (economic, social, political), this protection may be lost, and without protection from
statutory laws, women are in danger of “falling between two stools” (Adoko and Levine 2009). A
Land and the SDGs: Let's Start with Evidence
International Land Coalition infographic on why Land Rights are central to achieving the SDGs.
Legalización de tierras fortalece a comunidades indígenas
Pastoral women’s land rights and village land use planning in Tanzania: Experiences from the sustainable rangeland management project
In pastoral societies women face many challenges. Some describe these as a ‘double burden’ – that is, as pastoralists and as women. However, pastoral women may obtain a significant degree of protection from customary law even if customary institutions are male-dominated. In periods of change (economic, social, political), this protection may be lost, and without protection from statutory laws, women are in danger of “falling between two stools” (Adoko and Levine 2009).