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The mine leak was bad. The DRC and Angola’s response are no better, report says

04 October 2022
  • In July 2021, an Angolan diamond mine leaked large amounts of polluted water into the Kasai River Basin which stretches across Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Twelve people were killed, a further 4,400 fell ill and an estimated 1 million more were affected by the polluted water.
  • Fourteen months later, the DRC government has not released full results of tests conducted on the rivers, but a ban on drinking the water from the Kasai and Tshikapa rivers remains in place.

African climate summit opens in DR Congo

03 October 2022

The talks in the DRC's capital, Kinshasa, are informal but meant to allow various countries and green groups to take stock of political positions ahead of COP27 -- the United Nations climate gathering of world leaders in Egypt next month.

Environment ministers from about 50 countries will gather in the Democratic Republic of Congo on Monday for a "pre-COP27" climate summit, with rich nations likely to come under pressure to raise spending to combat climate change.


Sulawesi islanders grieve land lost to nickel mine

06 October 2022
  • The Harita Group holds a nickel mining concession covering about 1,000 hectares (2,500 acres) on Wawonii Island.
  • The arrival of the mine has divided the community between those who support the development and farmers hoping to retain their fruit and nut trees.
  • One man described his grief as the grave of his son was exhumed and moved as a result of the mine.

WAWONII ISLAND, Indonesia — The coconut palm has been a source of food and identity for centuries among the people of Wawonii Island.

Inclusive Greater Banjul

03 August 2020
Cities Alliance is supporting the Greater Banjul 2040 plan by providing guidance, tools and technical assistance to make the Urban Plan a tool of women's social and economic empowerment. Starting from August 2020, Cities Alliance and UNOPS Gambia will organize a series of online and off-line engagements with local stakeholders to include a gender perspective and women’s demands into city policies and planning.

FAO Rep: Women should have access to lands, fisheries & forest

05 October 2021

In most of the communities in the country and even elsewhere around the globe, lands are mostly owned by men. Thus women have little access and rights to ownership of lands where they could cultivate.

However, the FAO the country representative, Moshibudi Rampedi said “we need to take specific measures to make it easier for women and girls to have equal tenure rights and have access to lands, fisheries and forest.”

The FAO representative was speaking recently during a Women Land Rights Policy Forum.

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