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Cambodia: Latest Detention Of Women Land Activists: Rights Groups Call For Immediate Release

Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD), Human Rights Watch (HRW), the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights and the World Organisation against Torture), WITNESS, Amnesty International and Freedom House call for the immediate release

One hundred thousand people expected to participate in India's upcoming Jansatyagrah rally

[Jamal Ayub via The Times of India]  Dubbed as one the biggest non-violent actions in the recent past, about one lakh people representing some 2000 organizations, would walk 380 km from Gwalior to Delhi from October 2. The 'Jan Satyagrah Samvad yatra' is aimed to raise attention about land and livelihood rights of marginalized people.

Vacancy Announcement: Junior Consultant –Integrated Land and Water Management

The Global Water Partnership and the International Land Coalition are committed to work together to promote integrated land and water governance, with an emphasis on knowledge generation and sharing. This collaboration will build on the fact that the Director of the International Land Coalition Secretariat, has been recently appointed as member of GWP’s Technical Advisory Committee.

Empowering Sustainable Investment Through Secure Land Tenure for Small Farmers

Empowering Sustainable Investment Through Secure Land Tenure for Small Farmers

 High Level Panel at World Water Week 2012

Stockholm, August 27, 2012

 Address by Dr. Madiodio Niasse, International Land Coalition Director

I appreciate the opportunity to take part in the High Level Panel on The Global Rush for Water and Land which is taking place on August 27th, 2012, at the opening day of the Stockholm World Water Week, which this year focuses on Water and Food Security.

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