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Tanzanian Government Resorts to Cattle Seizures to Further Restrict Livelihoods of Maasai Pastoralists

24 January 2023
The government of Tanzania is further escalating the pressure on the Maasai to forcve them out of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area  by seizing their cattle. Once captured, the cattle are auctioned off and exported from the area, unless the owners manage to get it back by paying a ransom to the authorities.

DFID land portfolio

LEGEND outputs provide findings for staff designing, managing and implementing programmes, including how programmes have strengthened tenure security for women both through land registration programmes and alternative approaches such as legal empowerment.

LEGEND Portfolio Overview

Reports & Research

February, 2016


The LEGEND Knowledge Management team has published a Portfolio Overview that looks across 24 DFID land programmes. It looks at how programmes are designed, where they work, what they do and how they have performed. It looks at both the main programmes that work on land governance and those that work on land to achieve a broader set of objectives.

2016 DFID Land Portfolio Overview

Reports & Research

February, 2017


The Portfolio Overview provides a global overview of DFID's programmes working on land issues and highlights lessons and trends emerging from major land programmes over recent years.

LEGEND Land Policy Bulletin 7

Can technology revolutionise efforts to secure land rights?

Policy Papers & Briefs

March, 2017


This LEGEND bulletin considers the impact that new technology can have on documenting land rights and democratising access to land data around the world.

LEGEND Land Policy Bulletin 11

DFID’s work on land: what future priorities?

Policy Papers & Briefs

September, 2018


This bulletin highlights the breadth of DFID's current portfolio on land and prompts important questions about DFID’s work on land governance in the years to come.

Achieving land rights at scale

The UK Government (DFID) has played a leading role in the design and implementation of land tenure reform, capacity-building for land institutions and the roll-out of large-scale tenure regularisation activities. LEGEND has reviewed DFID’s main land tenure regularisation programmes, highlighting learnings in the design, implementation and follow-up of country land programmes and broader land support facilities.

Securing land rights at scale

Lessons and guiding principles from DFID land tenure regularisation and land sector support programmes

Reports & Research

June, 2019

Africa, Asia, Global

This report reflects on the experience of DFID land programmes which include LTR across six countries (Guyana, Rwanda, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Mozambique), drawing also on relevant experiences of programmes driven by other donors.

Options for Securing Tenure and Documenting Land Rightsin Mozambique: A Land Policy & Practice Paper

Policy Papers & Briefs

March, 2020

Eastern Africa, Mozambique

One of the key aspects of the Mozambican legal framework for land is that Mozambican nationals can acquire tenure rights through inheritance, via peaceful occupation or through customary channels These usufruct tenure rights, known by the Portuguese acronym ‘DUAT’ (Direito de Uso e Aproveitamento da Terra), can be held individually or jointly.

Opções para Garantir a Posse e a Documentação dos Direitos à Terra em Moçambique

Um Documento sobre as Políticas e Práticas de Acesso à Terra

Policy Papers & Briefs

March, 2020

Eastern Africa, Mozambique

Um dos principais aspectos do quadro legal moçambicano de terras é que os cidadãos Moçambicanos podem adquirir direitos de posse por herança, por ocupação pacífica ou por canais costumeiros. Estes usufruem de direitos de posse, conhecidos pelo acrônimo em língua portuguesa 'DUAT' (Direito de Uso e Aproveitamento da Terra), que podem ser possuídos individualmente ou em conjunto.

Options for Securing Tenure and Documenting Land Rights in Mozambique: A Land Policy & Practice Brief

Policy Papers & Briefs

March, 2020

Eastern Africa, Mozambique

This Briefing Paper is based on the outcomes and lessons from projects recently completed in Mozambique, funded by DFID’s LEGEND programme, wider analysis conducted by that programme, and the knowledge and practical experience of the authors. The briefing is a summary of a longer Policy & Practice Paper by Norfolk, S., Quan, J. & D. Mullins (2020), “Land Policy and Practice in Mozambique: Options for Securing Tenure and Documenting Land Rights”.

Opções para Garantir a Põsse e a Dõcumentaçaõ dõs Direitõs a Terra em Mõçambique

Infõrmativõ Breve sõbre as Põlíticas e Praticas de Acessõ a Terra

Policy Papers & Briefs

March, 2020

Eastern Africa, Mozambique

Este documento informativo é baseado nos resultados e lições aprendidas em projectos realizados recentemente em Moçambique, financiados pelo programa LEGEND do DFID, nas análises mais amplas conduzidas por esse programa, e no conhecimento e experiência prática dos autores. O documento é um resumo de um Documento mais longo sobre Política e Práticas de Norfolk, S., Quan, J. & D.

LEGEND Land Policy Bulletin 4

Focus on the Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2016

Policy Papers & Briefs

May, 2016


This LEGEND bulletin provides an overview of the main themes discussed and key messages identified by the LEGEND Core Land Support Team (CLST) during the 17th Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty.

LEGEND Land Policy Bulletin 7

Can technology revolutionise efforts to secure land rights?

Policy Papers & Briefs

March, 2017


This LEGEND bulletin considers the impact that new technology can have on documenting land rights and democratising access to land data around the world.

LEGEND Land Policy Bulletin 10

Policy Papers & Briefs

May, 2018


This LEGEND bulletin explores early experiences and emerging lessons from four of these projects, and includes testimony from community members attesting to their positive results.

LEGEND Land Policy Bulletin 11

DFID’s work on land: what future priorities?

Policy Papers & Briefs

September, 2018


This bulletin highlights the breadth of DFID's current portfolio on land and prompts important questions about DFID’s work on land governance in the years to come.

LEGEND Land Policy Bulletin 14

Securing land rights at scale: eight lessons and guiding principles on land tenure regularisation

Policy Papers & Briefs

June, 2019

Africa, Eastern Africa, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania

This bulletin focuses on land tenure regularisation (LTR), with articles from practitioners to accompany the new LEGEND report Securing land rights at scale: eight lessons and guiding principles on land tenure regularisation.

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