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Empowering women can help reduce extreme poverty

05 July 2021

Gender inequality doesn't make sense on any level.

By marginalising women, we deny ourselves the opportunity to lift millions of men, women and children out of poverty. Not to mention the chance of a just and fair world.

From birth, girls, boys, women and men are expected by society to play certain roles and behave in certain ways, based on traditions, religion, and other beliefs.

These behaviours are learned and shaped by the gender norms in a society.

Why Kenya is doing environment audit

07 July 2021

A curious fact about Kenya's conservation efforts is that there is no institution, government or any other authority, that can authoritatively give the exact figure of the forest cover.

Over the years, even government ministers have been giving varying indicators on whether the country is losing its forests or gaining cover.

To address this and other issues, the government is doing a comprehensive environmental audit to establish the status of biodiversity and land health in the country.

Treasury allocates Sh1.5bn to deepen land reforms

11 June 2021

Treasury CS Ukur Yatani has boosted President Uhuru Kenyatta’s election pledge to issue titled deeds with a Sh1.5 billion allocating for processing and registration of the documents.

Further, Mr Yatani set aside Sh600 million for digitisation of land registries, a move expected to speed up the processing and issuance of title deeds and a further Sh105 million for the construction of land registries.

CS Karoney assures safety of digitised land system

19 May 2021

Lands Cabinet Secretary, Farida Karoney, has assured Kenyans that the National Land Information Management System cannot be interfered with.

Speaking on Wednesday, the CS while responding to questions from Kenyans said measures have been put in place by experts to ensure Ardhi Sasa is safe and secure.

"Our multi-agency team of cyber security experts has put in place all the requisite protocols to ensure Ardhisasa is tamper-proof," Karoney said.

Land value index plan to tame speculators

16 June 2021

The State is set to roll out a value index to make Kenya’s land market transparent and cut wasteful public project spending due to speculative activity that drives up costs, the World Bank has said.

The long-awaited index is also expected to boost own-source revenue collection by counties from land property.

Kenya currently lacks standardised land value information—a loophole that has been exploited by cartels over the years to entrench fraud and exploitation in property prices.

Most Kenyans say Land court services expensive

16 June 2021

The majority of Kenyans are perturbed by the high cost of seeking justice in the Environment and Land court, a new survey shows.

The study by the Land Development and Governance Institute (LDGI) shows that nearly nine in ten Kenyans (86 percent) see the cost as high, effectively making it difficult for them to secure justice.

Lengthy litigation at Kenya’s courts increases legal and court fees paid by litigants to courts or layers.

Kisumu Waives Land Penalty Rates Due To Covid-19 Pandemic

19 May 2021

Landowners in Kisumu County are breathing a sigh of relief following Governor Anyang’ Nyong’os move, to offer them a 100 per cent waiver, on all outstanding interest and penalties on land rates.

The adverse effects of the Covid-19 outbreak on the real estate sector have occasioned the decision that aims to cushion the property owners from further losses.

The County issued a notice signed by the Finance Executive (CECM), George Okong’o, to that effect. The waiver takes effect from May 17 to June 18, 2021.

KDF 78 Battalion Stopped From Evicting Thousands of Kenyans

16 May 2021

7,500 families have been saved from mass evictions by Kenya Defence Forces 78 Battalion.

A report by Nation on Sunday, May 16, indicated that KDF was stopped from carrying out further evictions on the 17,000-acre parcel of land located in Tigania East, Meru County.

The freeze orders were issued by the Land and Environment Court in a case filed by 13 of the victims.

The team moved to court at the beginning of May to protest the move by KDF to take over the parcel arguing at the time that the battalion had begun the process of evicting residents.

State pursues land for Lokichar-Lamu oil pipeline

10 May 2021

The process of land acquisition for the laying of the 824-km Lokichar-Lamu Oil Pipeline, also known as the Kenya Crude Oil Pipeline, is expected to be completed in December.

Petroleum and Mining CS John Munyes has said through the Lapsset and the National Land Commission, the government is engaging communities in six counties to give up their land.

“That is the condition. Until we get the land and then the private sector comes in and the government puts money to lay the pipeline. We will have to wait,” said the CS.

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