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Close to 100 experts have been trained to bring about change in land use planning

08 August 2023
The right to land is a fundamental prerequisite to the other rights (economic, social, and cultural) that depend on land, and which determine the living conditions and social integration of Ethiopia’s rural and urban communities. In recent times, high rates of population growth, unregulated urban expansion, and poor use of resources have led to land degradation, loss of biodiversity, and disputes over access. An integrated and participatory approach to land management is considered essential if resources are to be used sustainably and equitably in the future.

Seventh India Land and Development Conference: Land-People Relations Diversity and Transitions

31 October 2023 - 02 November 2023
Pune, Maharashtra

The India Land and Development Conference (ILDC) is an annual destination of diverse land actors and enthusiasts from the Global South. Since its inception in 2017, ILDC has brought together over 2500 participants from more than 70 countries, engaging in vital discussions on crucial land-related issues. This unique collective-led international conference has been a catalyst for partnerships, collaborative research, and action, contributing significantly to building a symbiotic land ecosystem in India.


Flame University


Venezuela is a country of extremes and paradoxes. On the one hand, it is at the top of the world ranking of oil reserves with 303,806 million barrels estimated in 2021. On the other hand, 96% of Venezuelan households live in poverty and

Responsible Scaling of Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration: Balancing Tech & Governance Challenges

27 September 2023

Join us for a thought-provoking webinar that explores the challenges and future directions to scale Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration (FFPLA) based on on-the-ground experiences. FFPLA approaches are broadly recognized and applauded for being more affordable, faster and flexible (in terms of spatial identification) than conventional land administration methods.  

Land Portal Foundation
Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency
Kadaster International

Unleashing the Data Revolution: Empowering Land Governance through Open Metadata

25 July 2023
Charl-Thom Bayer
Laura Meggiolaro

A new publication titled "The Role of Metadata and Open Data in the Innovation Cycle of Land Administration" puts the spotlight on this dynamic domain. This publication offers valuable insights into the significance of open data and structured metadata, and how they can revolutionize land administration processes worldwide. By delving into the core principles of open data and metadata, this publication offers a comprehensive understanding of how these tools can be leveraged to foster innovation and drive positive change in the land governance sector.


Thailand has a long-standing continuity to its legal framework with a significant amount of its land held under private titles. This reflects the country’s unique position in mainland Southeast Asia, having never been formally colonised

Realising Ethiopian Women’s Rights to Land

21 July 2023
Land rights are among the fundamental rights of women. Supporting women to secure their land rights ensures equity in ownership, and improved livelihood opportunities for rural women. It further contributes to food security, addresses poverty, provides a basis for climate action, and promotes long-term equitable economic growth. However, a lack of awareness about land legislation and limited social freedoms in rural societies hinder the realisation of these rights. Three land-governance-focused projects implemented by GIZ Ethiopia and Djibouti , in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity International project Stand for Her Land (#S4HL) and the Women Land Rights Task Force (WLRTF), are working to improve women’s land rights in Ethiopia.
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