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This Act makes provision for the control of quarry operations, i.e. mining operations not covered by the Mining Act. The Act consists of 37 sections divided into 6 Parts: Preliminary; Quarry zones and licenses; Quarry tax; Enforcement; Safety; Ancillary.“Quarry” means any place, not being a mine in the sense of the Mining Act, where sand, stone, gravel, clay or other material that does not contain any minerals, or gypsum or other Materials indicated by the Minister has been removed or is being removed. The Minister may declare quarry zones and establish such zones on recommendation of the Quarries Advisory Commission established under section 6. A quarry shall be operated only under license granted under this Act under section 8. A license may be refused by the Minister for reasons of preservation of environment including fauna and flora, potential effects on surface waters, potential polluting effects and other reasons set out in section 9.
Amended by: Quarries Control (Amendment) Act, 2015 (No. 8 of 2015). (2015-06-25)