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Land Portal Events
Displaying 1 - 12 of 245

Pathways to Customary Land & Forest Rights in the Mekong

01 July 2024

This webinar will present findings from research conducted by the Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG) Program and its partners on the recognition and formalization of customary tenure rights across the Mekong region. It will highlight key themes from two important regional publications: "The Recognition and Formalization of Customary Tenure in the Forest Landscapes of the Mekong Region: A Polanyian Perspective" and the "State of Land Brief: Recognition of Customary Tenure in Forest Landscapes of the Mekong Region."

Land Portal Foundation
Mekong Region Land Governance

Gender and Biodiversity : How Indigenous and Local Community Women Safeguard Nature

12 June 2024

Indigenous women’s knowledge is rooted in ancestral understanding of the natural world and the accumulation of observations of local phenomena. The most significant aspect of Indigenous women holding and preserving these traditional knowledge is their holistic approach, which encompasses a wide range of domains beyond mere specialization. They possess an intricate understanding of various species, considering their nutritional value, medicinal properties, and ecological roles. This knowledge, passed down through generations, not only enriches their communities but has been crucial for western science. Indigenous women's insights have often informed Western understandings, leading to the development of medicines and a deeper understanding of climate phenomena such as droughts, floods, and biodiversity migration.

The Tenure Facility
Land Portal Foundation
Ford Foundation
Global Alliance of Territorial Communities

Abriendo nuevos caminos: Perspectivas e Historias sobre el impacto de la Corrupción en el sector de la Tierra en los Grupos Discriminados de África

22 April 2024

Este seminario web explorará esta intersección con historias de todo el continente. Las y los ponentes mostrarán cómo la corrupción socava los programas de igualdad de la tierra diseñados para abordar la concentración de la riqueza y la desigualdad en el sector de la tierra en Sudáfrica, y cómo la corrupción exacerba la marginación histórica de la comunidad nubia en Kenya, entre otros ejemplos. Los ponentes también analizarán cómo los gobiernos y la sociedad civil pueden responder eficazmente a las conclusiones de la investigación, centrándose en políticas y campañas que promuevan la rendición de cuentas y la transparencia informativa en la gobernanza de la tierra. 

Land Portal Foundation
Transparency International

Breaking new ground: Insights and stories on the impact of land corruption on discriminated groups in Africa 

22 April 2024

This webinar will explore this intersection with stories from across the continent. Speakers will show how corruption undermines land equity programs designed to address the concentration of wealth and inequality in the land sector in South Africa, and how corruption exacerbates the historical marginalization of the Nubian community in Kenya, among other examples. Speakers will also explore how governments and civil society can effectively respond to the research findings, with a focus on policies and campaigns that promote accountability and information transparency in land governance. 

Land Portal Foundation
Transparency International

Abrindo novos caminhos: Percepções e histórias sobre o impacto da corrupção fundiária em grupos discriminados na África

22 April 2024

Este webinário irá explorar essa interseção com histórias de todo o continente. Os(as) palestrantes mostrarão como a corrupção prejudica os programas de equidade fundiária criados para lidar com a concentração de riqueza e a desigualdade no setor fundiário na África do Sul e como a corrupção exacerba a marginalização histórica da comunidade núbia no Quênia, entre outros exemplos. Os(as) palestrantes também explorarão como os governos e a sociedade civil podem responder efetivamente às descobertas de pesquisas, tendo como foco políticas e campanhas que promovam a responsabilidade e a transparência de informações na governança da terra. 

Land Portal Foundation
Transparency International

L'ouverture de nouveaux horizons : Perspectives et histoires sur l'impact de la corruption foncière sur les groupes discriminés en Afrique

22 April 2024

Ce webinaire explorera cette intersection à l'aide d'histoires provenant de tout le continent. Les intervenants montreront comment la corruption sape les programmes d'équité foncière conçus pour lutter contre la concentration des richesses et l'inégalité dans le secteur foncier en Afrique du Sud, et comment la corruption exacerbe la marginalisation historique de la communauté nubienne au Kenya, entre autres exemples. Les intervenants examineront également comment les gouvernements et la société civile peuvent répondre efficacement aux résultats de la recherche, en mettant l'accent sur les politiques et les campagnes qui promeuvent la responsabilité et la transparence de l'information dans la gouvernance foncière. 

Land Portal Foundation
Transparency International

Liderando el camino: cómo los jóvenes indígenas combaten el cambio climático a través de los derechos a la tierra

10 April 2024

Las y los jóvenes indígenas se enfrentan a retos sin precedentes a medida que crecen en un mundo en el que el cambio climático pone en peligro el patrimonio cultural y las formas de vida de sus comunidades. En respuesta, muchos se están convirtiendo en nuevos líderes del activismo climático, defendiendo los derechos sobre la tierra como medida fundamental para combatir la degradación medioambiental y preservar los estilos de vida tradicionales.

Land Portal Foundation
Ford Foundation
The Tenure Facility
Youth Initiative for Land in Africa (Yilaa)
TINTA - The Invisible Thread

Leading the Way : How Indigenous Youth Combat Climate Change Through Land Rights

10 April 2024

Young Indigenous Peoples are facing unprecedented challenges as they grow up in a world where climate change imperils their community’s cultural heritage and ways of life. In response, many are becoming new leaders in climate activism, championing land rights as a pivotal measure in combating environmental degradation and preserving traditional lifestyles.

Land Portal Foundation
Ford Foundation
The Tenure Facility
Youth Initiative for Land in Africa (Yilaa)
TINTA - The Invisible Thread

Liderando o caminho: como os jovens indígenas combatem as mudanças climáticas por meio do direito à terra

10 April 2024

Os(as) jovens indígenas estão enfrentando desafios sem precedentes à medida que crescem em um mundo onde as mudanças climáticas colocam em risco o patrimônio cultural e os modos de vida de suas comunidades. Em resposta, muitos estão se tornando novos líderes no ativismo climático, defendendo os direitos à terra como uma medida fundamental no combate à degradação ambiental e na preservação dos estilos de vida tradicionais.

Land Portal Foundation
Ford Foundation
The Tenure Facility
Youth Initiative for Land in Africa (Yilaa)
TINTA - The Invisible Thread

Montrer la voie : comment les jeunes autochtones luttent contre le changement climatique à travers les droits autochtones

10 April 2024

Les jeunes Peuples autochtones sont confrontés à des défis sans précédent alors qu'ils grandissent dans un monde où le changement climatique met en péril le patrimoine culturel et les modes de vie de leur communauté. En réponse, nombre d'entre eux deviennent de nouveaux leaders de l'activisme climatique, défendant les droits fonciers comme une mesure essentielle dans la lutte contre la dégradation de l'environnement et la préservation des modes de vie traditionnels.

Land Portal Foundation
Ford Foundation
The Tenure Facility
Youth Initiative for Land in Africa (Yilaa)
TINTA - The Invisible Thread

uKESA Webinar - Advocacy platforms that promote better access to land and to land information: How they work and what difference they make

21 February 2024

The Urban Knowledge Exchange is currently presenting a series of webinars to showcase evidence-based knowledge platforms.

In this fourth webinar we focus on international, multi-dimensional land knowledge and information platforms, and the partnerships that underpin their success.

Urban Knowledge Exchange
Land Portal Foundation
International Land Coalition

Women’s Participation in Land Governance in the Mekong: Moving Beyond Quotas to Meaningful Inputs and Influence

14 February 2024

Join us in a webinar that will shine light on two groundbreaking reports concerning gender and land governance in the Mekong region. The reports, "Outlook on Gender and Land in the Mekong Region" and "Towards Gender-Equitable Land Policy and Law Making in the Mekong Region," were produced in Phase II of the Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG) program. This is the first webinar in the series ‘State of Land in the Mekong region.’ This series highlights the evolving environment of land governance in this dynamic region.

Land Portal Foundation
Mekong Region Land Governance