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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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Tree planting to revitalise Badas forest

26 February 2021

A tree planting ceremony was held along a stretch of road leading to Badas Dam as part of the Badas Tree Planting 2021 project yesterday.

It is a collaborative research project between Universiti Brunei Darussalam’s (UBD) Institute for Biodiversity and Environmental Research (IBER) and Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) aimed at supporting Brunei Darussalam National Climate Change Policy (BNCCP) particularly in increasing forest cover.

New land legislation guarantees tenure security and access to land for all Nepali

26 February 2021

Nepal has stepped into yet another and very important milestone in guaranteeing security of tenure and access to land for all. Following the promulgation of the new Constitution in September 2015, the Government of Nepal amended the Lands Act of 1964 through enacting a Lands (Seventh Amendment) Act in 2018 which provided a legal framework for implementation of Article 40 (5) of the Constitution on the provision of land to landless Dalits.

The African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences Releases Its 1st Issue of 2021

23 February 2021

The African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences (AJLP & GS) publishes research articles in Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences thematic areas. The main intention of encouraging innovation, promoting the exchange of knowledge and scientific outcomes, released its first issue in May 2018. The journal has since released four volumes and 12 issues, including the most recent edition for 2021.

Brunei: Forgery lands government clerk behind bars

22 February 2021

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Feb 22 (Birbeo Bulletin/ANN): A government clerk was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment by the Intermediate Court on Saturday (Feb 20), for forging Department of Electrical Services’ (DES) documents.

Despite Haji Alias bin Haji Md Ali’s instant guilty pleas, Judge Pengiran Hajah Norismayanti binti Pengiran Haji Ismail noticed his lack of remorse and took a deterrent stance on deciding the sentence.

Mongolia’s pitiless dzud

20 February 2021

Main photo: A herder collects snow to be melted down into drinking water.

The dzud is a peculiar weather phenomenon unique to Mongolia in which every few years a summer drought combines with a harsh winter. Nomadic herders can only despair as piles of dead, frozen sheep and goats stack up across the steppes, dead from either starvation or the cold. It is not uncommon to see a frozen animal dead on its feet.

Economic opportunism in response to COVID-19 erodes Indigenous land rights, generate violence and deforestation

18 February 2021

In their quest to bolster economies battered by the pandemic, governments in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and elsewhere have set aside social and environmental safeguards in favor of destructive development projects that are harming Indigenous communities and the forests they care for, according to a report released today by Forest Peoples Programme.

World's tropical forests and people imperiled by legal rollbacks under COVID-19

18 February 2021

Threats against indigenous people and rainforests have risen during the coronavirus pandemic as governments have rolled back social and environmental safeguards to boost economic growth, land rights activists said on Thursday.

Governments in five countries with tropical forests have weakened legal safeguards to aid economic recovery, while expanding projects near native land, said a study by Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) and two universities.

Indigenous peoples face rise in rights abuses during pandemic, report finds

18 February 2021

Increasing land grabs endangering forest communities and wildlife as governments expand mining and agriculture to combat economic impact of Covid


Indigenous communities in some of the world’s most forested tropical countries have faced a wave of human rights abuses during the Covid-19 pandemic as governments prioritise extractive industries in economic recovery plans, according to a new report.