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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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First round of calls for #Blog4Land: Call for submissions!

01 September 2022

Theme for first round: Gender & Property Rights 

Land and housing are some of the most valuable assets for an individual. However, several studies and government records have historically revealed a gender skew in property ownership, with more men owning land and housing than women. According to the World Economic Forum, women hold less than 20% of the world’s land.

One of World’s Most Polluted Spots Gets Worse as $1 Billion Cleanup Drags On

31 August 2022
In the more than a quarter century since Shell Plc left Ogoniland in southern Nigeria, oil has continued to ooze from dormant wellheads and active pipelines, leaving the 386-square mile kingdom’s wetlands shimmering with a greasy rainbow sheen, its once-lush mangroves coated in crude, well-water smelling of benzene and farmlands charred and barren. 

Gobierno de Colombia confirma que habrá reforma agraria para “buscar equidad en el acceso a la tierra

30 August 2022

La productividad de las tierras en Colombia es demasiado baja, afirmó en julio de este año la ministra de Agricultura, Cecilia López. Dicha afirmación se centra en las cifras que tienen entidades como la Unidad de Planificación Rural Agropecuaria, que registra que el país tiene un total de 39,6 millones de hectáreas aptas para siembra; de estas, solo 5,3 millones se usa para tal fin. Por este y otros motivos, el Gobierno nacional anunció que sí se llevará a cabo una reforma agraria.

MinAgro rechazó invasiones de tierras y dijo que responsables serían investigados

30 August 2022

Desde hace más de dos meses se venían reportando invasiones de predios privados especialmente en el Cauca, comunidades indígenas estaban apoderándose de tierras que hoy son usadas en su mayoría para la agroindustria de la caña. Finalmente el Gobierno rompió el silencio sobre los hechos, y fue la propia ministra de Agricultura, Cecilia López quien detalló que rechazan esos actos y "quienes quieren promover invasiones entorpecen la gestión del Gobierno y esto podría redundar en que sean investigados por parte de las autoridades".

More than 260,000 on waiting list for land

26 August 2022

Agriculture Minister Anxious Masuka has said at least 260,000 people are on the waiting list to be allocated farms.Masuka was speaking during a field day in Kwekwe, before putting unproductive farmers on notice.The senior government official confirmed that at least 304 whites are occupying farms in the country.

“We have taken 99% of land from former white farmers and we have 304 white farmers occupying farming land. We have now given them tenure documents and offer letters,” he said.“On the other hand nearly 300,000 black farmers are occupying both A1 and A2 farms.

Tanzania: How Maasai Women Are Resisting Land Grabs

26 August 2022

In Mwanza, Tanzania, Nairukoki Leyian-Naisinyai tells me that here, "Corporations come with papers from the government claiming that they have the right to our land." She points to the large corporations that have entered the lands of the Maasai people to mine rubies and tanzanite. The Maasai can neither assert their rights to the land nor benefit from the mining of these precious resources.