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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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India: Tribal communities seek recognition of their land rights

10 August 2017
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples celebrated in the Nilgiris The International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples was celebrated at the Tribal Resources Centre in Udhagamandalam on Wednesday. Organised by the Southern Regional Centre of the Anthropological Survey of India, the eco-development committees in Wenlock Downs Shooting Medu, Avalanche and Cairn Hill, as well as the Nilgiri Primitive Tribal People’s Federation, the event was attended by top officials from the forest department as well as the district police, including Srinivas R Reddy, Field Director of the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve and District Superintendent of Police, Murali Rambha.

Philippines: Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program: Free distribution of public lands? (OPINION)

10 August 2017

On top of the socio-economic reform demands being pushed by the National Democratic Front, collectively dubbed as the comprehensive agreement on socio-economic reforms (CASER), is the free distribution of land for the country’s landless rural poor. During the ill-fated peace talks in Amsterdam in July, the question was raised: where will the government get the land to distribute for free to would-be agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs)? One of the answers: public lands.

Bangladesh: "Include women's household contribution in GDP"

09 August 2017
Bangladesh should recognise women's unpaid domestic work and include it in estimating the gross domestic product, following the lead of India, Mexico and South Africa, said a development analyst yesterday. Women give labour at home for rearing children and keeping an eye on their education or taking care of the elderly members of the family, said Selim Jahan, director of Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programme.

Indigenous Groups Against Corporations in Latin America

09 August 2017

Indigenous peoples across Latin America have demonstrated their determination to protect their communities and their territories over the centuries and, in the process, have proven their role as stewards of the environment. Threatening to encroach upon ancestral lands, contaminate water sources, and divide communities with the construction of mega projects, national and multinational companies have long wreaked havoc on the environment and taken advantage of indigenous communities. Yet, the communities have not sat idly by.

Harassed by palm oil company, Thai village defends land

09 August 2017
Villagers of Klong Sai Pattana say palm oil company responsible for targeted killings and harassment of their community. Chai Buri District, Thailand - As he manoeuvred his pick-up truck along the dirt track leading to his village of Klong Sai Pattana one afternoon, Supot Kalasong, 42, heard a loud bang. He had been driving home after getting an oil-change in a nearby town and for a split second, he thought one of his tyres had exploded, burst by one of the sharp rocks on the path.

Zimbabwe: ZAS official admits agricultural output gone down since land reform

09 August 2017

THE Zimbabwe Agricultural Society (ZAS) has admitted agricultural production in the country has been on a downward trend and on Tuesday announced it would introduce a new section aimed at encouraging farmers to improve their yields.

ZAS CEO, Anxious Masuka, told reporters at a press conference in Harare they would launch the Eleven Tonne Plus Club which will celebrate the cream of Zimbabwean farmers who have excelled in maize production.

Indigenous Kichwa community in Peru files landmark lawsuit against regional government of San Martin for imposition of protected area on their lands and failure to respect their land rights

09 August 2017

The Kichwa people of the San Martin region have traditionally occupied the upland forests which since 2005 were classified as the Regional Protected Area - Cerro Escalera by the regional government of San Martin. Today, many of these communities lack any secure rights to these forests and are regularly stopped and restricted from accessing its forest resources vital for their subsistence.

Nigeria: The March against Land Grabs

09 August 2017

Civil Society Organisations in Edo State, under the umbrella of Coalition for Protection of the Environment, recently staged a protest against land grabbing and deforestation. Adibe Emenyonu who was there, reports

Bose Eruanga is a peasant farmer from Uzalla, Owan West Local Government Area of Edo State. Eruanga, as a widow with six children depends on the produce from the farmlands in her community to train her children.

Indigenous Women: Defending the Environment in Latin America

09 August 2017

On this International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, we celebrate the successes of indigenous peoples in Latin America in protecting their lands and communities. In particular, we recognize the strong leadership of indigenous women who have stood at the front lines of many of these achievements and celebrate the indigenous communities that have defended their lands from mega-projects. 

Forbidden fruit: Indonesia palm oil plantations boost security to stop thieves

09 August 2017
Unclear regulations on land ownership have led to overlapping claims, with some indigenous people occupying the concession areas of palm oil companies JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian security companies have seen a surge in demand for guards to protect palm oil plantations from fruit thieves and land grabbers, amid a rebound in prices of the commodity used to churn out everything from cooking oil to soap.