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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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Colombia's Indigenous Organization Under Threat by Paramilitary

11 October 2018

“We arrived to La Guajira to defend our sovereignty from the corrupt who call themselves defenders of Mother Earth that only hinder the country’s progress."

A Colombian paramilitary group known as the ‘Aguilas Negras’ (Black Eagles) spread pamphlets in the northern Guajira department threatening human rights defenders and Indigenous organizations working in the region.

Disasters: UN report shows climate change causing ‘dramatic rise’ in economic losses

10 October 2018

The findings, published by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), also show that people in low- and middle-income countries are seven times more likely to die from natural disasters than those in developed nations.

“This puts a big emphasis on the need to…make sure that we curb greenhouse gas emissions,” said Ricardo Mena, UNISDR chief, in charge of implementing the Sendai Framework.

Guatemalan Police Attacks Mayan Blockade Against Hydroelectric

09 October 2018

Choj Mayan people have been blocking a road in San Mateo Ixtatan, Huehuetenango, against a hydroelectric project they claim is illegal.

Choj Mayan people have been blocking a road in Yich Kisis, San Mateo Ixtatan, Huehuetenango, in protest against a hydroelectric project in their community. On Monday and Tuesday, anti-riot police came to the scene. Six people were reported injured.

Nine years after war's end, Sri Lankans wait for government to return property

09 October 2018

"Despite repeated pledges by the authorities, the military has been frustratingly slow to restore land to the rightful owners"

BANGKOK - Sri Lanka has failed to fulfil pledges to return properties to thousands of people forced from their homes during decades of war, many of whom now live in desperate poverty, researchers said on Tuesday.

Thousands of acres of land taken over during the war are still held by government forces who set up security posts and buffer zones, according to a report by Human Rights Watch.

Land reform gathers pace as SA, Nam follow Zim

08 October 2018

Johannesburg – Namibian President Hage Geingob earlier this week indicated his government’s plans to undertake land redistribution in order to address racial injustices in the country.

Namibia joins other countries in the SADC region which have and or are planning to undertake the process, among them Zimbabwe and South Africa.

Geingob called for a change to the country's constitution to allow the government to expropriate land and redistribute it to the majority black population.

Kenya: Indigenous Ogiek face eviction from their ancestral forest… again

08 October 2018

NAKURU COUNTY, Kenya — Caroline Chepkoeh looked around her idyllic property, perched on a hilltop surrounded by green maize fields as far as the eye can see. A storm front was approaching from the north and the wind swayed the corn stalks and trees alike. The 34-year-old mother of three was bundled up in her winter coat. It’s colder here, she said, and it’s too far to school. Her two youngest children haven’t started nursery school yet because of the distance. “I still have hope that we will return to our land,” she said.

Indigenous candidates run in record numbers in Brazil election

05 October 2018

"Indigenous issues are often put on the (political) agenda without our representation."

RIO DE JANEIRO, Oct 5 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A record number of indigenous candidates are running for federal and state offices in Brazil's elections on Sunday, a trend campaigners hope will shine a spotlight on the lack of land rights for the country's indigenous population.

Land ownership key in reforestation

05 October 2018

IN SIOMA, Western Province, Lungowe Nyambe has been growing maize on a small piece of land for the past five years. In theory, the land is hers as she is responsible for managing it every year and uses the harvest to earn some income and have food to feed her household.