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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

Displaying 1873 - 1884 of 4991

‘The clock is ticking’ on meeting the Sustainable Development Goals, says UN deputy chief

11 April 2019

“Climate change is ravaging the planet… staggering numbers of children and youth – especially girls and young women – still lack access to basic education and healthcare services, [and] people in many countries are starved of economic opportunities, decent work and social protection measures”, she told the  2019 ECOSOC Partnership Forum, where governments, business representatives and other influencers met to discuss how partnerships can best advance and the 17 (

Opportunity at Oxfam: Land Rights Advocacy Lead

11 April 2019

Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty.

That means we tackle the inequality that keeps people poor. Together we save, protect and rebuild lives. When disaster strikes, we help people build better lives for themselves, and for others. We take on issues like land rights, climate change and discrimination against women. And we won’t stop until every person on the planet can enjoy life free from poverty.

Hong Kong urged to call time on 'archaic' indigenous land policy

11 April 2019

A government policy that favours male residents and was introduced to improve living conditions of indigenous inhabitants, has been criticised for exacerbating a chronic housing shortage

BANGKOK - Hong Kong must end a discriminatory land policy that favours indigenous men, land rights campaigners said on Thursday, after a top court upheld a minor law that has long been criticised for exacerbating the city's chronic housing shortage.

There’s a lot of bad news in the UN Global Environment Outlook, but a sustainable future is still possible

10 April 2019

The Sixth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6), the most comprehensive environmental assessment produced by the UN in five years, brought us both good and bad news.

The environment has continued to deteriorate since the first GEO-6 report in 1997, with potentially irreversible impacts if not effectively addressed. But pathways to significant change do exist, and a sustainable future is still possible.

Over 11 Million Face Forced Eviction in India, 2 Lakh Evicted in 2018 Alone: Study

09 April 2019

‘Slum clearance’ or ‘city beautification’ drives accounted for nearly half of the evictions.

New Delhi: Over two lakh people were forcefully evicted from their homes in the year 2018, a new study by the Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN) has found. The HLRN documented the demolition of 41,730 homes in 2018 that impacted the lives of 2,02,233 people. That is 554 people every day or 23 people every hour.

Righting colonial-era wrongs in land rights

09 April 2019

Despite a legal ruling and international attention, Kenya's Ogiek people have continued to face evictions, underlining the inherent difficulties in implementing judgments

The continued dominance of colonial-imposed laws over pre-existing customary legal systems, has been the bane of land rights disputes involving indigenous peoples across the globe for many years.

Post-colonial states have been unable to address such issues since formal law has continued to prevail over ancient customary systems even post-independence.

Production of Course Module on Land Corruption in Africa

08 April 2019

Transparency International (TI) is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption. Through more than 100 chapters worldwide and an international secretariat in Berlin, Germany, TI raises awareness of the damaging effects of corruption and works with partners in government, business and civil society to develop and implement effective measures to tackle it.

Zimbabwe to begin compensation for land-reform farmers

08 April 2019

Zimbabwe is moving forward with a process to compensate former farm owners whose land was taken from them because they were white during the country’s fast-track land reform program (FTLRP).

“The registration process and the list of farmers should be completed by the end of April 2019, after which the interim advance payments will be paid directly to former farm owners by the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement,” the government said in a statement.

Women demand equal land rights from traditional leaders

08 April 2019

Some traditional leaders continue with the old ways of regarding women as minors who need to be represented by men, Inyanda National Land Movement says.

Sick and tired of always being allocated the back seat and being represented by men when it comes to land, a group of women are saying “enough is enough” and are taking the fight to traditional leaders, whom they see as stumbling blocks to women’s right of access to land.