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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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States with more than 75% forest cover won't have to divert revenue land

16 May 2019

Forest Advisory Committee decided this while suggesting that instead states with deficient green land should divert their non-forest land for afforestation to companesate for use of forest land in development projects

States with more than 75 per cent forest cover won’t be required to provide non-forest land for forest diversion projects, decided the Forest Advisory Committee (FAC) in a meeting on April 23, 2019.

It’s not too late to reverse climate change, but the clock is ticking

16 May 2019

Recent studies find that the prevention of irreversible climate catastrophes require the world’s population to commit to transformative change within the next decade. On 12–14 May, the Global Landscapes Forum Kyoto (GLF Kyoto) event entitled “Climate, Landscapes and Lifestyles: It is Not Too Late” focused on making this commitment a reality.

Casualty of war: Deforestation and desertification in Afghanistan

15 May 2019

While gridlock is keeping the Taliban and the United States from reaching a political settlement to the war in Afghanistan, a lacklustre peace process represents just one of many issues confronting the country. 

Decades of civil wars and invasions have exacerbated the consequences of deforestation and desertification in Afghanistan, where environmental issues tend to take a backseat to counterinsurgency and counterterrorism. 

US invests an extra $160 million in Colombia’s peace process

14 May 2019

The United States government announced on Monday it will invest another $160 million in Colombia’s ongoing peace process.

The announcement came during an event with the US Agency for International Development (USAID), where Director for International Development Administrator Mark Green told reporters in Bogota that the funds are meant for the “implementation of peace” and to formalize land ownership of small farmers.

The heat is on: Amazon tree loss could bring 1.45 degree C local rise

14 May 2019
  • A new modeling study finds that largely unrestricted “business-as-usual” Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado deforestation could result in the loss of an estimated 606,000 square kilometers of forest by 2050, leading to local temperature increases of up to 1.45 degrees Celsius, in addition to global rises in temperature.
  • Under a Brazil Forest Code enforcement model, researchers predict deforestation would be limited to 79,000 square kilometers, with reforestation occurring over 110,000 square kilometers, leading to an average local increase of just 0.02 degrees Celsius.<

Women in international development

13 May 2019

We need to frame policy that addresses the complex drivers of gendered vulnerabilities to climate change.

Women are often portrayed as suffering ‘victims’ inherently vulnerable to changing climatic conditions, or as the unrecognised ‘saviours’ of the planet upon whose shoulders lies the burden of responsibility in avoiding climate breakdown. 

Community-forest management to can help in achieving Sustainable Development Goals

12 May 2019

Studies reveal that community-forest management can reduce deforestation and poverty

Washington: Researchers observed that giving local communities the opportunity to manage their forests reduced deforestation and poverty. According to the study published in the journal of Nature Sustainability, community-forest management led to a 37 per cent relative reduction in deforestation and a 4.3 per cent relative reduction in poverty.

Mining Companies Use Excessive Legal Powers to Gamble with Latin American Lives

10 May 2019

The right of foreign investors to sue governments in international tribunals is one of the most extreme examples of excessive power granted to corporations through free trade agreements and investment treaties.

For decades now, corporations have used this power to demand massive compensation for public interest regulations and other government actions that may reduce the value of their investments. Widespread outrage over this “investor-state dispute settlement” system is among the key issues in the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.