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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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Panel releases report on land reform

01 August 2019

The Advisory Panel on Land Reform and Agriculture released its final report recently which expresses support for expropriation without compensation in certain circumstances.

Chairperson Vuyokazi Mahlati highlighted the need to come up with a solution to the issue of land in SA as soon as possible.

“The urgency and constitutional imperative of land reform in SA can neither be taken lightly nor postponed,” Mahlati said.

ANALYSIS-That river has rights: new strategy to protect planet

31 July 2019

In a growing global movement, environmentalists are trying a new legal route to protect the planet - vesting rivers and reefs with "rights of nature"

WASHINGTON - For some, human rights are not enough - it's nature's turn, now.

In a growing global movement, environmentalists are trying a new legal route to protect the planet - vesting rivers, reefs and threatened habitats with "rights of nature" that override the long-held human right to harm.

OPINION: A historic step towards securing community land rights in Kenya

30 July 2019

Indigenous communities in Kenya made history last week by marching to the nation’s capital to demand official registration for their communal lands

Indigenous, pastoralist communities in Kenya made history last week by marching to the nation’s capital to demand official registration for their communal lands.

This was unprecedented and the culmination of years of effort to empower communities to understand and claim their land rights. 

Land and water rights recognised

30 July 2019

A NORTH Queensland court has recognised the Widi people’s ancestral connection to a quarter-of-a-million hectares in the Isaac region.

At a special hearing on-country at Nebo today the Federal Court formally recognised the Widi people’s native title and interests over 249,766 hectares of land and waters, west of Mackay.

Assistant Minister for State Development Julieanne Gilbert said the determination recognised the Widi people’s ancestral connection to their country and further strengthened the Widi people’s culture and language for the next generation.

Ethiopia Goes Greener With 200 Million Trees a Day

29 July 2019

With an ambitious target of planting 200 million trees a day, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's Green Legacy Project, if successful, will not only break the world record but go a long way in the country's fight against climate change.

Deforestation is the immediate cause of loss of biodiversity but the underlying causes are wrong development policies and plundering by local and multi-national companies over the years.

Broken promises of the Dollar City, Tiruppur - a look at the migrant situation

28 July 2019

It is an 8 x 8 room without any ventilation or windows, but Shimon, a 20-year-old youth from Bihar, calls it home. It is his kitchen, living room and bedroom. It does not boast of any luxuries like a toilet and a bath, but he pays Rs. 1,500 for this "company-provided accommodation". Add to it the Rs. 5,000 he was asked to pay as advance by the garment factory he has been working for six years now. Yes, do the math. Shimon started work here as a child labourer.

An Introduction to How Blockchain Technology Will Impact Land Surveying

26 July 2019

Dear Colleagues:

I am very pleased to announce that my article -- an introduction on blockchain and the land surveying - has been published in the July/August issue of the LAND JOURNAL magazine of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors / RICS.


“The traditional image of a surveyor’s activities seems far removed from cryptocurrency, coding, algorithms and network nodes. All the same, blockchain technology offers enormous benefits for land professionals.” - JDM


In New York, a diverse, new group works the soil

26 July 2019

Women and non-binary people are running some of the best-known organic farms on Long Island, in what is a growing, $50 billion industry nationwide

AMAGANSETT, N.Y., (Reuters) - Sporting a backwards gray cap, studded earrings and a thin, head-to-toe layer of dirt, Layton Guenther took a break from the day's fieldwork to talk about their path from an upper-middle-class suburb to a Long Island, New York, farm.

Resource extraction, climate change and the right to live well ǀ View

25 July 2019

Protecting the world’s remaining tropical forest cover from natural resource extraction is essential if the worst of climate change is to be avoided, and the rights of people who depend on those forests are to be respected. For this to happen, politicians have to see political advantage in voting for laws and budgets that promote such protection.