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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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Okahandja moves to evict 'land grabbers'

31 August 2020

THE minister of urban and rural development, Erastus Uutoni, has applied to the High Court to evict about 2 000 people who allegedly grabbed unserviced municipal land at Okahandja.

Uutoni and the Municipality of Okahandja are asking the court to authorise the eviction of people who allegedly occupied some parts of the town's unserviced land illegally.

QC govt buys land for housing project of 3,000 informal settlers

29 August 2020

The Quezon City government has bought a property in Barangay Bagong Silangan and Payatas  to house some 3,000 informal settlers. 

Mayor Joy Belmonte has signed the deeds of sale of 214,057 square meter property.

“Ito’y umpisa ng hangarin nating mabigyan ng katiyakan sa paninirahan ang mga informal settlers sa ating siyudad (This is the start of our dream to assure informal settlers that they would have their own homes in the city),” Belmonte said, noting that when she was elected mayor, part of her agenda is to address the concerns of the city’s informal settlers.

One day land title transfer registration improves Malaysia's position in World Bank report

28 August 2020

One day land title transfer registration improves Malaysia’s position in World Bank’s ‘Doing Business’ report.

The efficiency of the one day land title transfer registration had contributed to the country's position in the 'Registering Property' indicator evaluated by the World Bank's 'Doing Business' report.

The Federal Territories Director of Lands and Mines Office (PPTGWP) said Malaysia is ranked a creditable 33rd out of the 190 economies for 2020 in the report.

Few Answers on Missing Lao Citizens as World Marks Enforced Disappearance Victims

28 August 2020

(Main photo: Lao agricultural expert Sombath Somphone, who went missing in December 2012, in 2005 file photo. Courtesy of Somphone family)

The 10th annual International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearance Sunday offers a fresh reminder that Laos has done little or nothing to investigate citizens, including a highly respected development expert, who have vanished in the communist Southeast Asian nation, human rights groups said.

The Second Crossroads in Namibia’s “Land Question”

27 August 2020

After 30 years of independence, the “land question” is at a critical point in Namibia. Regarding rural land reform, a compromised “willing buyer, willing seller” approach and resettlement-based processes have yielded little success. Not only have they been expensive, inefficient, and often benefitting elites, but today some of those lower-income households that were selected for resettlement wish they had not “benefitted” given the precarious situation in which they find themselves.

Lao PDR Amends Its Land Law – What’s New?

27 August 2020
Foreigners are now permitted to purchase from the Government of the Lao PDR a limited ownership of land-use rights over state land for a period of up to 50 years, extendable (“Temporary Ownership”). The Temporary Ownership is permitted only for the specific purpose of the development of condominiums, apartment buildings, or other residential or commercial complexes. While Temporary Ownership applies to Lao nationals as well, we expect that they will be less likely to avail it since they are entitled to hold the more attractive permanent land-use rights.

Cambodia’s Land Concessions Yield Few Benefits, Sow Social and Environmental Devastation

27 August 2020

Cambodia’s government has strenuously promoted long-term leasing of unused land as Economic Land Concessions (ELCs) to attract investors and encourage development in the impoverished nation, but observers say the policy has resulted in few benefits at the cost of huge social and environmental impacts.

Oral sanctuary land grab thwarted

26 August 2020

Kampong Speu provincial police and NGO ACNCIPO director Chea Hean stopped nearly 100 people from grabbing more than 200ha illegally in the Phnom Oral Wildlife Sanctuary on Wednesday.

The incident occurred at the Trapaing Thmea village in Oral district.

Hean said on Wednesday the people intended to claim the area for private ownership and prepared to build sheds and clear forest land to grow crops. Authorities intervened and the 100 or so families protested.

He said they eventually listened to instructions and returned to their respective homes.

Cameroon: Sheep-breeding community Mbororos challenges a temporary concession of 100,000 hectares in the Adamaoua

25 August 2020

(Business in Cameroon) - On August 14, 2020, Ousmanou Biri, the regional president of the association for the cultural development of Cameroonian Mbororos - a community of sheep-breeding nomads well known in Cameroon- sent correspondence to the Minister of Land Affairs  Henri Eyébé Ayissi. In his correspondence, Ousmanou Biri denounced the temporary concession of 100,000 hectares of land in Tignère (department of Faro et Déo) to an investor who wants to use the lands for a livestock project.

Kep police on hunt for mangrove land encroachment group

24 August 2020

Kep provincial police said they have identified a group who used the replacement Khmer New Year holiday to encroach on 4ha of flooded mangrove forests.

Police took down tow sheds measuring 18sqm and removed 100 stone poles used to mark land boundaries in an area inhabited by a community of fishermen in Angkorl village, in Damnak Changaur district’s Angkorl commune.

Provincial administration spokesman Ros Udong told The Post on Monday that having received information on the case, Kep provincial governor Som Piseth instructed officials to inspect the location.