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An Act to provide for the introduction of animals and plants, for the establishment of fences to protect agricultural land ad for the management of stock routes. It consists of 247 sections and is divided into 12 Parts. Part 1 contains preliminary provisions, including definitions of terms under the Act. Part 2 concerns the administration of the Act, Part 3 provides for the establishment of the Rural Land Protection Board and regulates its operation and Part 4 points out the functions and powers of local governments. Part 5 is dedicated to declared plants and animals and their management. Part 6 covers extraordinary noxious plants and Part 7 rabbits. Part 9 concerns the creation of syndicates among owners of adjoining parcels of private land for the control of declared plants and animals while Part 10 concerns fences. Part 11 provides for the continuation of the Rural Land Protection Fund and Part 12 contains general provisions. The Act is completed by two schedules: rabbit-check fence and darling downs-moreton rabbit district.