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This Act in its revised edition deals with the declaration of national parks, the Nationals Parks Board and other wildlife institution, regulates hunting and provised for rights relating to water of certain owners and occupiers of land in parks. The Minister may by notice in the Gazette declare various kind of State land to be a park under a name to be assigned to it in that notice, and amend Schedule 1 by the addition of the name and a description of the land thus declared to be a park (sect. 2A and B). The Nationals Parks Board shall keep a register of land declared to be a park or declared to be a part of a park or excluded from a park under subsection (1), and such register shall contain the particulars as outlined in section 2B. There is established a fund to be known as the National Parks Land Acquisition Fund (sect. 12). (32 sections completed by 4 Schedules)
Amended by: National Parks Amendment Act. (1997)
Amended by: National Parks Amendment Act (Act No. 106 of 1998). (1998-11-27)
Amended by: National Parks Amendment Act, 2001 (Act No. 54 of 2001). (2001-12-07)
Repealed by: National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Amendment Act 2004 (No. 31 of 2004). (2005-02-07)