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Understanding and measuring functional connectivity for animals with habitats that have been fragmented by human
activity requires that the biology and movement of the species be considered. We used least cost paths in GIS
to test hypotheses regarding how different species of longhorned beetles likely connect habitats with dispersal.
We predicted that there would be differences in the functional connectivity of landscapes depending on species
larval niche breadth, adult feeding habits, and the potential for use of non-forest habitats. For the species with very
specialized larvae, we developed a classification tree to determine areas likely to contain the appropriate species of
host tree. Connectivity calculated using least cost paths did not out-perform Euclidean distances for three generalist
beetles. This was also the case for the specialist beetle species when all forest was considered habitat. However,
when we delineated habitat based on areas likely to support the host tree the functional connectivity incorporating
least cost paths was a much better predictor than that using Euclidean distances. Generalists may respond to
fragmented habitat in a binary habitat-matrix way while more specialized species may respond to a mosaic. These
trends are obscured if habitat is defined by human perceptions rather than species biology.