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Attribution of lands to categories in Ukraine is considered as one of the areas of the state, as a result of which a category of land, which defines the legal regime of use. Compliance with such a regime is one of the main responsibilities of land users, and its failure may be grounds for bringing such persons to legal liability and termination of their land rights.
Like the other functions of government, referring to the land categories are specific areas of public administration in the field of land use and protection, so there is every reason to consider the distribution and redistribution of land on the main intended purpose as a special management function in this area.
But overregulation land redistribution for the intended purpose promoted in Ukraine of corruption in this area, and large transaction costs in the activities of individuals and legal entities. This realization led to research in this area.
The main purpose of the research paper is to justify the need to improve approaches to classification of land on the main intended purpose, taking into account land use classification system ECE.
The basis of the classification system in Ukraine rests NACE classification system. Grading system for a long time successfully used the materials for statistical reporting, cadastre and other purposes, but has a number of shortcomings and needs further improvement, especially in the transition to automated technology cadastre. In developing the classifiers used is the hierarchical model, but the formation of values classifier was carried out not by the scheme when set all the possible values of the generalized classifier and then removed the so-called "false values", and by incorporating a classifier most common and known values, because these classifiers usually do not meet the criteria of completeness.
Earth Ukraine are divided on: 1) the main purpose - the category of land; 2) types of purpose - species and subspecies of land in the marginal category; 3) the nature of use - lands and functional use; 4) Ownership.
The article substantiates that the development of national land use classifications should take into account the recommendations of the European Economic Commission (EEC) at the United Nations that are listed in the "standard statistical classification of land use ECE". In particular, the selection criteria of the requirements to provide the necessary information mechanism and taxation of land rights registration and use of a hierarchical model that is based on a mixed-use criteria for the types of land cover and activities.
Thus, to improve management of land use in Ukraine need improvement approaches to classification of land on the main intended purpose, taking into account land use classification system ECE.