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In article is devoted to problems of land relations in agriculture, which provides an analysis of the nature this dynamics in recent decades, assess the rationality of land use in the context of globalization and offers an innovative solution for forming a model of land relations in agriculture. The authors is a traced the cyclic processes in the history of the development of land and property relations, assesses the present stage of the next cycle and are historical parallels in socio-economic development. In Russia, the all major socio-economic reforms is due to political changes in the country (the coming to power of Ivan the terrible, Peter I, Catherine II, Alexander II, Nicholas II, the provisional government, the Soviet government, Gorbachev, M. S., B. Yeltsin N.), where the key issue was the relationship to the land, property rights, and use of the territory of new landowners. But no one conducted in the country of agrarian reforms were not brought to its logical conclusion, which is directly braked at all times the development of the agricultural sector, prevented the formation of its sustainability and, as a consequence, the stability of the socio-economic development of the entire state. The repeated statements of some scientists and public figures of concerns about the height of the risks of globalization of the economy to the loss of statehood, not much attention was a paid to mid-March 2014. The subsequent of economic sanctions from US, EU, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Japan, and the response of the Russian government in the form of a ban on food imports from these countries, revealed the urgent need of adoption scenarios protection of the Russian economy from the impact of external economic destabilization, primarily due to the development of their own agriculture. In this regard, the authors propose an economic model of the organization of interaction between a cities and agricultural enterprises through the multifunction integrated agro complex. Thus, only the implementation of state programs and strategies of the socio-economic development a through evidence-based planning on implementation in industrial practice, projects and schemes of land management of agricultural enterprises is a key for involvement in the turnover of agricultural land to economically and ecologically safe of the use of agricultural potential in country for ensure food security and stable development.