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Journal Articles & Books
January 2011

O estudo teve por objetivo analisar a relação entre o trabalho e a autonomia e como essa relação se refletiu sobre as condições de reprodução dos assentados comparativamente à sua condição anterior como trabalhadores nas fazendas de cacau. A pesquisa foi realizada no Assentamento Terra Vista,…

January 2011

Adivinen dónde fue tomada esta foto... Tienen 1 minuto y 30 segundos para probar sus conocimientos de geografía con el Desafío Fotográfico del CIAT.

January 2011

Test your geography with the CIAT Photo Challenge - do you know where the picture was taken?

Policy Papers & Briefs
January 2011

* Oscar Bazoberry y Carmen Beatriz Ruiz
Se fue una década del siglo XXI. A partir de ahora, casi cada fecha rememora alguna mención de la literatura de ciencia ficción del siglo pasado, cuando pensar en los dígitos que sucederían al año dos mil sugería colonias en el espacio, robots a…

Reports & Research
December 2010

Na sociedade contemporânea são grandes as preocupações frente às alterações ambientais e a maneira como as relações humanas estão entrelaçadas a esta problemática. O acelerado desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico baseado na utilização de recursos da biodiversidade e no conhecimento de…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2010

Az élelmiszerárak növekedése 2006–2008 között a világ egyes térségeiben zavargásokhoz és a politikai stabilitás megrendüléséhez vezetett. Különösen fejlődő országokban súlyos a helyzet, ahol a legszegényebb rétegek jövedelmük döntő hányadát élelmiszerekre költik. Az agrárpiacokon a kereslet vált…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2010

The wild relatives of crops represent a major source of valuable traits for crop improvement. These resources are threatened by habitat destruction, land use changes, and other factors, requiring their urgent collection and long-term availability for research and breeding from…

Policy Papers & Briefs
December 2010

Increasing forest financing requires better communication and understanding between the forestry and finance sectors. This can take the form of joint development of financing strategies, instruments and business cases. Limited forest financing is often less about money availability than about…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2010

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the use of infrared thermometry in the characterization of inter specific (Oryza glaberrima x Oryza sativa cv Caiapó) and intra specific upland rice lines for drought tolerance. The experiment, carried out at Porangatu in the State of Goiás, was…

Policy Papers & Briefs
December 2010

Rights to large areas of forest have been granted to communities and indigenous peoples in Latin America, offering these groups an opportunity to participate in REDD+ initiatives. However, tenure is not always secure, and security of tenure alone is insufficient to guarantee positive outcomes…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2010

For over a decade, the globalisation of environmental, economic and social issues has induced rapid modification in agriculture and land. These changes raise the question of future extensive livestock systems in regards to the worldwide challenge to double livestock production by 2050 in ways…