Guião para a integração da perspectiva de género na legislação relativa a terra e águas em Angola, Cabo Verde e Moçambique por Luísa Borges & André Calengo com Beatriz Galan & Antonieta Coelho
O presente guião para a “Integração da perspectiva de género…
Le Séminaire a mis l’accent sur des aspects pratiques et des réponses concrètes que les communautés rurales des pays ACP y apportent ou peuvent apporter à court ou moyen terme.
Summary of adaption and mitigation strategies for reducing the effects of climate change especially with regard to better information and communincation management.
Mangroves, commonly found along sheltered coastlines in the tropics and subropics, fulfil important socio-economic and envioronmental functions: providing wood and non-wood forest products, protecting shores against wind, waves and water currents; conserving biological diversity; protecting…
As an organisation, we look forward to ensuring continuity of professional services to our partners and ACP beneficiaries in the coming years as well as continuing with existing endeavours and embracing new opportunities as they may arise.
This paper is an attempt to deepen knowledge on the relationships between natural resources and corruption. Specifically, the paper attempts to understand whether there is a causal relationship from natural resource abundance to corruption. The paper analyses the case of São Tomé and Príncipe.…
‘Poor soils make poor people, and poor people make soils worse’. This is a situation that can be seen in many ACP countries. What information support can be offered...
This regional study presents an overview of the socio-economic importance and ecological impact of the use of non-wood forest products (NWFP) in Africa. The document consists of two main parts: i) presentation of background information on the programme activities and analysis of the available…
This Manual has been put together with the objective of assisting actions by the diverse groups of human beings who intervene in the conservation of the natural resources, particularly soil and water resources and in the context of each continent, country, region or zone. The Manual brings…
A synthesis of available data on social and economic factors, forest resources and nonwood forest products production and trade in the Asia-Pacific region. This study draws together information from a variety of statistical databases and from country and thematic studies in this working paper…
Meeting symbol/code: SIDS 99 Inf.-Sum 4
Meeting symbol/code: SIDS 99 Inf.-Sum 4