Después de cuatro años desde que el Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial aprobara las Directrices voluntarias como consenso mundial para mejorar la tenencia, sus principios y procesos están inspirando a personas de todo el mundo a ponerse en acción. Suscitando gran aceptación por parte de los…
Improving Women's Access to Land and Property in The Arab States: The Role Of Inheritance, Dower, and Marital Property
Strengthening Arab Women's Property Rights and Access to Land - PPT
FAO has focused and integrated its work in the Region through three Regional Initiatives. The Initiatives respond to the priorities of member-states and will achieve demonstrable impact in a time bound manner, whilst responding to FAO’s Strategic Objectives. In Africa, the Regional Initiatives…
Four years since the Voluntary Guidelines were endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security as the global consensus on improving tenure, their principles and processes are inspiring people around the world to take action. With wide ownership by governments, civil society and the private…
This booklet presents an overview of the issue of soil management practices in Africa. It briefly presents the 12-Resolution “Abuja Declaration on Fertilizer for the African Green Revolution” adopted in 2006 and contextualizes the 2014 adoption by the 23rd Summit of the African Union of the…
As World leaders forged two new big deals in late 2015 – the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Climate Change Agreements – over 200 experts and technical officers working in fields related to land and water management, participated in the 3rd Land and Water Days held at the Food and…
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have a history of engagement in pastoral development which is likely to continue. In the face of growing challenges posed by climate change, as well as new economic…
Cooperation between Finland and FAO has been ongoing since the Organization was established in 1945. Finland has contributed as well as financially, through active participation in FAO’s work and has been a key donor for projects around the world. As a traditional partner in FAO’s Assistant…
Questo libro racconta la storia dei sette decenni della FAO, i suoi protagonisti e i fatti salienti. Dall’archivio storico della FAO sono state selezionate fotografie inedite, in bianco e nero, dei primi anni dell'Organizzazione, con le quali è stato possibile realizzare un’avvincente…
FAO and the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD have joined efforts to prepare this discussion paper on sustainable financing for FLR. It provides an overview of existing funding sources and financial instruments that could be used and adapted specifically for the implementation of FLR efforts at the…