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This Regional Law regulates transfer of agricultural land parcels in ownership to gardeners, vegetable growers and subsistence farmers, and to non-commercial associations thereof, out of stock of public and municipal land, except for cases of transfer free of charge envisaged by the national…


This Regional Law classifies protected categories of citizens that shall have the right to allotment on condition of ownership of public and municipal land free of charge related to urban land for individual housing construction and agricultural land for subsistence farming.
Amended by:…


This Regional Law establishes that maximum total agricultural land area that can be owned or held in tenancy on other conditions by citizens for subsistence farming shall be 5,5 ha, and, urban land – 0,5 ha”.


Item 1.3 shall acquire a new wording: “State control over use and protection of land shall be carried out by the Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey, its territorial bodies and by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The aforesaid bodies shall carry out their functions through…


Item 4 of the Article 25.2 of the Federal Law No. 122-FZ on state registration of immovable property and its transactions shall acquire a new wording: “4. State registration of the right of ownership to the plot of land specified in the item 1 of the present article shall be also carried if data…


Article 25. 1 of the Law No. 2395-I on subsoil shall acquire a new wording: “Article 25.1. Allotment and expropriation of the plots of land in relation to exploration and other uses of subsoil. Plots of land required for exploration and other uses of subsoil shall be allotted in accordance with…


This Law establishes that agricultural land shall be exclusive property of the state and of citizens permanently living in rural areas for at least two years. Allotment in ownership and transfer of agricultural land shall be prohibited to: (a) foreign natural and legal persons, and foreign…


This Regional law regulates the issue of institution of public servitude to land plots irrespectively of appurtenance to determined land category thereof. Public land servitude shall be instituted by Decree of the Regional Governor or by normative legal act of local government. Public land…


Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “The right to allotment on condition of ownership of public and municipal land free of charge for gardening, horticulture and suburban housing construction shall be granted to multi-child families, foster families growing three and more…


This Ministerial Decree validates the Regulation on allotment in lease and management of pastures, the form of contract on lease of the pasture areas for stockbreeding purpose, lease of pasture areas for other purposes, form of forest land plot usage permit for silvopastoralism. Pasture areas…


This Order establishes the modalities of legalization and registration of purchase and sale of the plots of agricultural land between the citizens of Kyrgyzstan and in case of expropriation of thereof from the persons who cannot own them in accordance with the legislation. Transactions with…


The State Agency for the Registration of Immovable Property shall be the authorized state institution carrying out coordination and control of the common state registration system of immovable property in the sphere of regulation of land relations. The main tasks of the State Agency shall be: (a…