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Reports & Research
November 2016

Meeting Name: FAO Regional Conference for Africa (ARC)
Meeting symbol/code: ARC/16/INF/16
Session: Sess. 29

Reports & Research
November 2016

Meeting Name: African Forestry and Wildlife Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO:AFWC/2016/8.1
Session: Sess. 20

Journal Articles & Books
November 2016

Forests and trees support sustainable agriculture. They stabilize soils and climate, regulate water flows, give shade and shelter, and provide a habitat for pollinators and the natural predators of agricultural pests. They also contribute to the food security of hundreds of millions of people,…

Policy Papers & Briefs
November 2016

Ensuring equal rights in ownership and control over land for women and men is essential to achieve gender equality (SDG5) and eliminate poverty (SDG1). Yet capturing the true status of land rights and measuring progress in the SDGs targets related to land tenure is still a challenge, especially…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2016

Cette édition de la Revue Nature & Faune est un numéro spécial pour marquer 2015 comme l’ Année internationale des sols. Elle comporte trente articles concis qui abordent le thème central suivant: «La gestion durable des sols: clé pour la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition en Afrique…

Policy Papers & Briefs
November 2016

This brief is based on <a></a>"&gt;Vivre et se Nourrir de la foret en Afrique centrale FAO has been supporting Central African countries to identify and implement…

Policy Papers & Briefs
November 2016

The Living on the Edge design encourages residents to live sustainably off the forest through crop and farm maintenance, while enabling communities to rebuild their forests and to tackle deforestation This poster is one of a selection of entries from the TREEHOUSING International Wood Design…

Reports & Research
November 2016

See the <a></a>"&gt;Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management adopted by the fourth Global Soil Partnership Plenary Assembly.

Journal Articles & Books
November 2016

The Technical Guide on Pastoralism builds on a number of initiatives and studies from recent years that have shone a light on pastoral governance and land tenure: on the inherent challenges pastoralists face, the shortcomings of governments in securing pastoral tenure, and the emerging examples…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2016

Леса и деревья способствуют устойчивому ведению сельского хозяйства. Они стабилизируют почву и климат, регулируют водосток, дают тень и укрытие, создают ареал обитания для опылителей и естественных врагов сельскохозяйственных вредителей. Они также вносят свой вклад в обеспечение…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2016

Los bosques y los árboles respaldan la agricultura sostenible. Estabilizan los suelos y el clima, regulan los flujos de agua, ofrecen sombra y refugio y proporcionan un hábitat a los polinizadores y los depredadores naturales de plagas agrícolas. Asimismo, contribuyen a la seguridad alimentaria…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2016

L’Évaluation des ressources forestières mondiales 2015 est le fruit d’un effort collectif des pays, ayant impliqué quelque 300 correspondants nationaux, la FAO et ses partenaires. Mis en oeuvre par six partenaires dans le cadre de divers processus, le Questionnaire concerté sur les ressources…