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This Regional Act sets up the Regional Agency on Forestry and Irrigation, which shall be responsible for implementing a coordinated system aimed at soil protection and forest management. The Agency shall also coordinate interventions concerning irrigation activities.


This Regional Act aims at the promotion and development within Toscana of social agriculture, which refers to activities carried out by agricultural entrepreneurs, as defined under article 2135 of the Civil Code. Article 4 sets up the Regional Observatory on Social Agriculture; article 5…


This Decree sets out provisions concerning certain special interventions in agricultural areas, including land reclamation as well as certain installations in apiaries.
Implements: Provincial Act No. 2 on the promotion of apiculture. (2008-03-11)


There is hereby laid down the legislative framework in matter of town and country planning, in compliance with the principles of subsidiarity, cooperation and sustainability. The regional territory shall be managed through plans approved at the municipal, provincial and regional levels. In order…

International Conventions or Treaties

This Protocol has been adopted by the Contracting Parties to implement the Alpine Convention as regards soil conservation. The Protocol takes into account the functions of the Alpine soil as a natural resource, as an archive of natural history, as a location for agricultural use including…

International Conventions or Treaties

Les objectifs d'aménagement du territoire et de développement durable de l'espace alpin visent à: a) Reconnaître les besoins spécifiques de l'espace alpin dans le cadre des politiques nationales et européennes; b) Harmoniser l'utilisation de l'espace avec les objectifs…


By way of implementation of various acts in force at the national level, this Regional Act lays down provisions concerning different issues of environmental protection and amends certain acts in force in the Abruzzo Region. In particular, the Act refers to the promotion of renewable resources of…


This Decree lays down detailed provisions governing the procedures to be followed in respect of interventions for rehabilitating uncultivated and abandoned lands within Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Implements: Regional Act No. 10 on interventions for the preservation and rehabilitation of…


This Regional Act supplements Regional Act No. 11 of 2004 on town and country planning by inserting new provisions governing landscape protection. These provisions are adopted in compliance with those laid down at the national level under the Code on Cultural Heritage and Landscape.


This Regional Act supplements Regional Act No. 34 of 1992 by inserting new article 26 ter, which concerns the adoption of the plan on alienation and valorization of lands pertaining to the Region, the Provinces and the Municipalities within the Marche Region.
Amends: Regional Act No. 34 on…


This Regional Act sets out the legislative framework for the integral bonification of land with a view to ensuring land conservation, water safety, environmental protection and preservation of rural areas. It provides for the rearrangement of bonification consortia operating in the regional…


This Legislative Decree approves the Code on the Environment, which sets out the legislative framework applicable to all matters concerning environmental protection.The Code is composed of six Parts. Part I (arts. 1-3) defines the application scope and lays down general provisions applicable to…