All regional interventions aimed at soil conservation, protection of environmental balance and nature preservation shall be implemented in conformity with the general plan referred to in article 1 of Regional Act No. 36 of 16 August 1974. The plan shall be composed of basin plans corresponding…
These provisions concern the rearrangement and promote the setting up of the Regole, including those regulated under Regional Act No. 48 of 1975. This Act recognizes the Regole as mountain organizations aimed at the environmental protection and economic development of mountain territories.…
This Regional Act sets out the legislative framework for the definition of lands destined to public uses, with a view to promoting the development of rural areas and ensuring environmental protection. The Regional Executive is in charge of the delimitation and registration of lands for public…
These provisions supplement Regional Act No. 7 of 1988 on the organization of regional institutions by inserting new provisions concerning the Service on Public Uses.
This Regional Act sets out the legislative framework governing the public use and management of public lands for agro-forestry and silvopastoralism purposes. These provisions specify the administrative functions that pertain to the Regional Executive and the Mountain and Forest Economy Service…
This Act sets out the legislative framework related to mountain territories ands their management. In particular, the Act deals with subsidies to be granted for the improvement of such territories, particularly as regards the management of sylvopastoral resources. Further provisions concern the…
It is hereby apporved and laid down (Annex 1) the questionnaire concerning the effective implementation of Legislative Decree No. 372 of 1999, in compliance with article 16 (3) of Directive 96/61/EC and particularly as regards the duty to submit the information concerning the emission limit…
In implementation of Act No. 257 of 1992, the present Regional Act lays down provisions intended to ensure the protection of public health against pollution caused by asbestos. The Act establishes preventive measures to be applied when decontamination interventions are carried out. Article 3…
In compliance with the principles and rules laid down in Directive 96/61/EC, this Regional Act makes provision on integrated pollution prevention and control, with a view to securing a high level of protection of human health and the environment. In particular, the Act lays down rules governing…
By way of implementation of Directive 96/61/EC, this Legislative Decree aims at the integrated prevention and control of pollution which arises from the activities specified in Annex I. There are established particular measures intended to prevent and reduce emissions into the air, water and…
The present Regional Act, in compliance with the provisions contained in Act No. 183 of 1989 and Act No. 36 of 1994: (a) lays down rules governing the establishment of basins; (b) provides for the delimitation of areas of soil protection; (c) defines the procedures to be followed to adopt river…
This Regional Act makes provision on the preservation and restoration of non cultivated and abandoned lands falling within mountain territories in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Further it aims at the prevention of forest fires and dissemination of pests harmful to animal and human health.