Meeting Name: Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA-16/17/15
Session: Sess.16
Meeting Name: Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA-16/17/Inf.13
Session: Sess. 16
See the <a></a>">Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management adopted by the fourth Global Soil Partnership Plenary Assembly.
The purpose of this sheet is to provide comprehensive set of information on GIAHS Programme in a single document which summarizes all the core information uploaded in the website and written in the previously released sources. The overall goal of the global initiative is to identify and…
Meeting Name: Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA-16/17/Inf.11.1
Session: Sess. 16
Meeting Name: African Forestry and Wildlife Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO:AFWC/2016/4.2
Session: Sess. 20
تقرّ الخطوط التوجيهية الطوعية بشأن الحوكمة المسؤولة لحيازة الأراضي، ومصايد الأسماك، والغابات، في سياق الأمن الغذائي الوطني بأنّ الاستثمارات المسؤولة التي ينفّذها القطاعان العام والخاص أساسية لتحسين الأمن الغذائي، وتدعو إلى استثمارات تصون مستخدمي الأراضي ومالكيها من خطر نزع ملكيتهم لحقوق الحيازة…
This report takes place within the framework of the regional project “Maximize the production of goods and services of Mediterranean forest ecosystems in the context of global changes” (2012-2016) financed by the French Global Environment Facility together with the German Cooperation (GIZ), the…
The construction of consistent time series of land use presents a key challenge when accounting for elective land use-based activities under the Kyoto Protocol (wetland drainage and rewetting (WDR), cropland management (CM) and grazing land management (GM)), in which current land use-driven…
The project ILUMASS (Integrated Land-Use Modelling and Transportation System Simulation) aims at embedding a microscopic dynamic simulation model of urban traffic flows into a comprehensive model system incorporating both changes of land use and the resulting changes in transport demand. The…
This course aims to provide guidance to government authorities engaged in investment promotion, approval, and monitoring activities at all stages of the agricultural land-based investment cycle. Based on the <a href="…
This Technical Guide on Governing Tenure Rights to Commons aims to support states, community-based organizations and civil society organizations, the private sector and other relevant actors to take proactive measures to implement the standards and recommendations of the<a>…