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Under this Act, the beds of navigable bodies of water or streams are property of the Crown even where the land that borders the water has been granted by the Crown. Section 2 specifies cases in which the claims to the beds of navigable waters can be accepted.
Implemented by: An Act for the…


This Act and the regulations apply to all land within the boundaries of any forest reserves established pursuant to this Act. "Forest reserves" is all land described in the appendix to the agreement set forth in the Schedule to chapter 20 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1948, and to…


A Regulation to prohibit certain activities on crown property and to provide for the control of movement of animals on such property. "Crown property" means: (i) any path, passageway, driveway or road through land belonging to or occupied by the Crown and leading to or from any public…


This Act does not apply in respect of the use of specified land within the meaning of Part 5 of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act. Every landholder shall, in respect of his land, take appropriate measures: (a) to prevent soil loss or deterioration from taking place; or (b) if soil…


An Act to provide for the classification and administration of public land, and to regulate use of and the disposal of such land and and the acquisition of other land and related matters. The Minister may by order made under section 10 classify public land and declare the use for which he…


Under section 1 of this Act, every alien has the same capacity to take by gift, conveyance, descent, devise, or otherwise, and to hold, possess, enjoy, claim, recover, convey, devise, impart and transmit real estate in Ontario as a natural born or a naturalized subject of Her Majesty.


Under section 1, the purpose of this Act is to promote appreciation of the Yukon’s historic resources and to provide for the protection and preservation, the orderly development, and the study and interpretation of those resources. It consists of 85 sections and is divided into 7 Parts. Part 1…


This Act concerns the expropriation of land, which includes “any estate, term, easement, right or interest in, to, over or affecting land” (sec.1). Under section 2, the Minister has the power to expropriate any land he or she deems necessary for public purposes. The Act provides for compensation…


"Notice" means a notice referred to in section 4 of the Soil Conservation Act. Section 4 prescribes that if an officer is satisfied that, with respect to land, appropriate measures are not being taken, he shall serve on the landholder a notice directing the landholder to take, within…


This Act contains 55 articles. It provides for the establishment of a Provincial Agricultural Land Commission in articles 2, 3, 4 and 8. The Commission is for all purposes an agent of the Government. Its objectives and powers are set out in article 10 and are as follows, to (a) preserve…


This Act makes provision for agreements between the Government and Indian bands (as defined by the Indian Act) for the purposes of resolving and extinguishing claims asserted by an Indian band and the council of a band against the Government or against the Government and Canada in respect of cut…


This Act allows a minister to make an agreement with a landowner who qualifies under this Act and Regulations, permitting the owner to defer paying all or part of the tax payable on the eligible property during the term of the agreement. If the minister makes such an agreement, every relevant…