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Displaying 1681 - 1692 of 1771

This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the following rural properties: "Fazenda Soledade", in the Municipality of Monte Santo, Bahia State; "Fazenda Sossego I", in the Municipality of Santa Luzia, Bahia State…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the rural property"Fazenda e Castanhal Cabaceiras", located in the Municipality of Marabá, Pará State. The Decree establishes the competence of the National Institute for the…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the rural property "Fazenda Bordolândia", located in the Municipalities of Bom Jesus do Araguaia and Serra Nova Dourada, Mato Grosso State. The Decree establishes the competence…


This Law, composed of 31 articles, rules on Sanitation State Policy, considered as the overall actions, services and work aimed at reaching increasing levels of environmental sanitation through potable water supply, waste collection and disposal, health promotion in land use and land occupation…


This Law, composed of 17 articles, regulates the use, conservation and protection measures for agricultural land, considered as a common heritage. The Law defines agricultural land characteristics and planning requirements to be applied to both private and public agricultural properties.…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the following rural properties: "Fazenda Piscamba", in the Municipality of Cristalina, Goiás State; "Fazenda Santa Maria", in the Municipality of Mara Rosa, Goiás State…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the following rural properties in Mato Grosso State: "Fazenda Santo Antônio", in the Municipality of Nova Maringá; "Fazenda Santo Antônio I", in the Municipality of Nova…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the following rural properties in Tocantins State:"Fazenda Marília", in the Municipality of Colméia; "Fazenda Jatobá", in the Municipality of Cristalândia; "…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the following rural properties: "Fazenda Canaã, Barreiras e Malhadinha", in the Municipality of Pindobaçu, Bahia State; "Junco, Lagoa das Cinzas, Lagoa do Sapo e Timbaúba…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the following rural properties in Tocantins State: "Fazenda 20 Mil", in the Municipality of Augustinópolis; "Fazenda Barra Mansa", in the Municipality of Recursolândia…


This Decree, composed of 4 articles, declares of social interest, for the purposes of the agrarian reform, the following rural properties in the State of Piaui: "Fazenda São Caetano", in the Municipality of Caraúbas do Piauí; "Limaza", in the Municipality of Palmeirais;…


This Decree, composed of 30 articles, implements the Law No. 6.171 on the use, conservation and protection of agricultural land, envisaged as common heritage. The use and management of agricultural land shall be carried out through land use planning in accordance with the current land…