Para que produzcan los resultados apetecidos, las actividades de ordenacin de cuencas hidrogrficas han de incorporar hidrologa forestal, conservacin de suelos y aguas y planificacin del uso de la tierra en un marco lgico ms amplio que tome en consideracin no slo los fenmenos fsicos, sino tambin…
To produce the desired results, therefore, watershed management efforts must incorporate "forest hydrology", "soil and water conservation" and "land use planning" into a broader, logical framework that takes into consideration not only physical interrelationships…
Data are given of area planted to beans, production, and yields in the Andean countries during 1964-66, 1974-76, and 1978; production, trade, and consumption during 1963-65 and 1973-75; and production, area, and yield growth rates during 1966-76. Constraints for bean productivity, cropping…
Projections reveal that to sustain the likely world population in the year 2000, an increase of 60 percent in agricultural production will be required. "Is there sufficient land to meet these needs?" becomes the overriding question. However, little precise information exists on which…