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This Act amends the Development and Planning Act 1974 by providing that any Development Order made under section 15 of the principal Act before the coming into operation of this Act, which was not made subject to the affirmative resolution procedure, shall be deemed to have been validly made.…


This Act amends the Base Lands Development Act 1996 in section 9 relating to the leasing of land in relation with the right of the Government to lease or let to the Bermuda Land Development Company government land.
Amends: Base Lands Development Act 1996. (2011)


This Act provides rules for the resolution of disputes regarding enclosure of land. It also provides for remedy in case neglect, refusal, or delay of the owner or owners, proprietor or proprietors, of any land or ground so adjoining the tract or parcel of land or ground about to be enclosed, to…


These Regulations implement provisions of the Professional Surveyors Registration Act in relation to the application for registration as a registered surveyor or restoration of name in the register under sections 8 or 12 of the Act and to delivery of notices in writing. The Schedule to these…


These Regulations, made under section 5 of the Registrar-General (Recording of Documents) Act 1955: provide rules relative to the form of documents submitted to the Registrar-General for recording or registration; appoint authorized officers for purposes of the Act; and require the metric system…


This Act modifies the law relating to the avoidance of future interests in property on grounds of remoteness and governing accumulations of income from property. The rule against perpetuities shall not apply to an option to acquire for valuable consideration an interest on the term of a lease if…


This Act: limits the application of the rule against perpetuities also in relation to lands; codifies the rule as it applies to charities; and amends the law relating to accumulations of income. “The rule against perpetuities”: (a) means the rule of law by that name, also known as the rule…


This Act requires surveyors to be registered with the Professional Surveyors Registration Council established as a body corporate under this Act. The Council shall be responsible for: (a) the promotion and maintenance of high technical standards among registered surveyors; (b) the exercise of…


This Act provides that houses, lands and other hereditaments, and real estate in Bermuda and belonging to an indebted person, shall be liable to and chargeable with all established debts, duties and demands of what nature or kind soever, owing by such person to the State or any private person.…


This Act concerns operations on and regarding public land. It assigns to the Minister responsible for works and engineering the charge and management of public works including: public water supply and public sewerage systems; public water supply, public sewerage systems, parks and highways; and…


This Act provides for the registration of documents by the Office of the Registrar-General and provides for the keeping and inspection of such documents. The Registrar-General shall be the authority for, among other things: recording and registering mortgages and other conditional conveyances of…


This Act concerns survival of actions upon the death of a person for the benefit of his or her estate. The Act also concerns actions in tort against estate of deceased person.